Did I Say A Productive Weekend?

Happy Monday!!  I know, it's not too often you see those two words sitting right next to each other. Despite the weekend being over, I'm in an extra good mood this morning.  I love those days when you're super cheerful and you have no particular reason...

Five on Friday

It's that time again!!  You gotta trust me here when I say that I'm going to have to dig deep to come up with 5 things off the top of my head that stood out to me this week.  Like real deep. Work has been crazy busy which has left me no time to do...

Recipe// (Almost) As Good As Pizza

Last night while I was making supper (dinner, as what you non newfies out there call it),  I figured I would do what most bloggers do and take lots of pictures of what I was eating so that I could share and impress you all with my cooking skills. Ha!  Okay,...

Great Music, Great Friends, Great Weekend

 It's a good thing that I was super busy and had two exciting events on Saturday, because if I only had to write about what I did the rest of the weekend, it would make for a very short and boring post. I think I was...

Five On Friday

My favourite day of the week is here once again.  Surprisingly, I actually like Friday's better than Saturday's.  I think it's because I love the anticipation of knowing I have the full weekend ahead of me.  Another random fact, I also...

Pick One- Blogger BFF Style

Although I'm a newbie over here with this space of mine, I've been reading blogs ever since my lovely sister introduced me to them a few years ago and I've been obsessed hooked ever since.  FYI, I will be forever grateful to her because of this! As soon...

Where Did My Thoughts Go?

There's not a whole lot going on over here these past few days. My brain is acting all fuzzy-like and don't want to spit out anything that's even remotely worth while to share. I think I'll just go ahead and blame it on being secluded in the woods...

Weekend Cabin Getaway

Don't you just love those weekends when you can get away and not have to think about one thing?  Not one thing? I know I do, and I know that's exactly what I did when I spent this weekend at our cabin.  (We also didn't have much of a...

Five on Friday

Well, it's Friday again!!!!  This week didn't go quite as fast as the last one which means you, Friday, broke your promise to me from last week's post.  You're here now, though, so I'll forgive you.  I'm really not trying to wish my time away,...

My 4 Most Used Summer Items

Can you believe that summer is almost officially over?   I'm having a hard time letting go and moving on, so over the past little while I've been trying to squeeze in every last summer item that I own. When you live in a province like Newfoundland, this has...

Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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