Easter Baskets Never Stand A Chance

Growing up, I loved Easter. I mean, how could you not love searching your house for hours looking for chocolate so you can spend the remainder of that day eating that chocolate. And to that I would just like to say that whoever came up with that idea is a pure genius. Genius! I’m not really sure why my parents stopped doing it, but I’m thinking I might have to have a little talk with Todd to see if we can implement this tradition at our house…say…every Saturday. Now who’s the genius?

Over the past few years I’ve created a little tradition of my own for my niece and nephew by putting together Easter baskets for them. It’s a great way to get a little creative without spending a ton of money, and it’s something that they always seem to love.

A couple of weekends ago I slowly started picking up some chocolate that I could fill the baskets with. Here’s my tip to you, don’t do that unless you want to end up eating it all on a Saturday night because it’s just staring at you in the face and screaming EAT ME! Once again, my rubber arm was twisted.

So off I went again last weekend to pick up everything I needed. The two baskets and all of the chocolate were purchased from Wal-Mart, the Easter stickers were found at Target, and the bunny hair elastics and the chickadee earrings were from Claire’s. I’m so glad I stopped into Claire’s because I didn’t realize what great gift ideas they have for little girls. My niece adores those kinds of things.

I was much, much smarter this time around, though. As soon as those goodies were brought into my house, they were placed in their baskets and then delivered immediately. I have to be in a bathing suit very soon, and there’s something about another round of binge chocolate eating that would make that next to impossible.

Another thing that’s a part of our tradition is me spending way too much time trying to make these baskets look as cute as possible and the kiddies spending as little amount of time trying to tear them apart. Those baskets never stand a chance (kind of like chocolate just sitting in my house), but I’ll take that as a very, very good sign!

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We Made It Outside/ Five On Friday

It’s that day of the week again, friends. To be honest, I thought yesterday was Friday, so you can imagine how unamused I was every time I was reminded that it wasn’t. But have no fear, it’s here today and just like always, I’m really looking forward to the weekend. Over the past few weekends I’ve had to work a few hours here and there (totally not complaining since vacation time is right around the corner), but it looks like I’m in the clear for this one (touch wood).

It’s been a while since I’ve linked up for Five On Friday, so let’s just jump right in today (and plus, I never really know how to start these posts off).

ONE// Did you know that yesterday was National Siblings Day? No? Me neither, well, not until very late last night. I figured it’s never too late, though, to tell someone how much they mean to you, so Lesley, thanks for being the best big sister anyone could ever ask for and the person who is always there to listen to my ramblings. You know how excited I am to be seeing you real real soon (on the beach, in the sunshine, with multiple drinks, of course).

TWO//  Look who made it outside for a run this week. Yup, me and my mitts and my ear warmer thingy all made it out. Granted, my snow suit should have came out too, but that’s beside the point. The point is that I was able to run outside. Outside!!!  You have no idea how nice it was to feel the bitter cold air on my face and the slush pavement under my feet. It made me so happy to know that this was the first run of many many more to come over the spring and summer (again, really touch wood for this one).

THREE//  I’ve become a little obsessed with blue pastel colours for spring and it’s only grown since buying Essie’s ‘borrowed and blue’ nail polish. It’s both subtle and colourful all rolled into one (I don’t know if something can be both subtle and colourful but, if it can, this nail polish is it).

FOUR//  While I was in bed early one night due to not feeling very well, Todd surprised me with flowers. Apparently he said he got an email from someone with a link to Erins post with these lines highlighted: “if you don’t have a vagina and you are reading this, go buy your girlfriend/wife a ‘just because’ flower. I mean it. Your non-vagina will thank me for it later”.  Hmmm…not sure who sent him that email…strange!  😉  Erin, I’m not sure about Todds non-vagina, but this vagina thanks you very much.

FIVE//  If you want your house to smell absolutely heavenly, all while you’re pretending that you’re on a tropical island (and that you’re not needing a snow suit to run outside), pick yourself up the Caribbean Escape and Tiki Beach candles from Bath & Body Works. Trust me on this one. 

That’s it for this week.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

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New Specs, Old Habit

Don’t I look super smart with my new glasses? C’mmmonnnn, humour me!

Actually, they’re not really that new because I’ve had them since the end of December and, despite what the weather is telling us (or maybe what the weather is just telling me?), it is the beginning of April which means that it has taken me over three months to finally get to the point of wearing them. Three whole months!
To be honest, though, I never even attempted to start wearing them until a few weeks ago and now I can officially say that I don’t feel like I’m sporting ski goggles anymore, nor do I feel like I’m walking around drunk all day. Which reminds me, you’d think after two times of falling up the stairs that I’d learn that the step is actually further away than it looks with these things on? But noooo. I’m hoping the third time really is the charm.
But the whole point of this post isn’t to show you how smart I look, it’s to tell you all about a really old and very strange habit of mine. In fact, it’s one I’ve always known I had, but one I’ve never realized just how bizarre it really was, until I got these glasses.

So, here it is:  I like to keep new things….new!

It’s true, whenever I get something new, I always have a tendency to wait before I use it/ play with it/ wear it, etc. The first time I noticed this strange quality of mine was many many Christmases ago. While my sister was sporting every new item of hers that was under the tree, just seconds after it was unwrapped (jeans, socks, nail polish, lip gloss, etc), I wouldn’t dare touch anything that belonged to me until a week later when I was given the go-ahead to move all of my presents to my room. Only after finding nice little homes for all of my goodies would I slowly start hauling off the tags and their packages and start sporting the new things of my own.  And over the years it seems that trend has continued with certain things. 

Now after admitting all of that, I’m sat here now trying to come up with some good explanation for all my crazy! I mean, there has to be a good explanation somewhere. There just has to be. I originally thought it was maybe because I was “waiting for the right time” to use certain things, you know, like saving the perfect dress you just bought for the perfect occasion. But after doing the same thing with my glasses….glasses!!…something that I usually only wear around the house in the nighttime (along with my old pajamas and greasy hair), that surely can’t be the answer. Why in the world would I wear my seven year old, crooked, missing a nose piece glasses for months instead of my much prettier ones that don’t require duct tape?

It seems like that’s a mystery that will never be solved.

Well, I thought I would feel better after sharing that but, nope, turns out I don’t. But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned so far through blogging, it’s that there are bound to be others out there who are as crazy just like you. I’m sure to some extent, we all do certain things or have certain ways about us that others (or, in this case, even yourself) may find really strange and probably will never understand. If you think about it though, as odd as these qualities may be, isn’t it things like this that what makes you…you?  I sure hope so!

Now, fess up and tell me I’m not the only one with strange habits.
Or at least lie to me so I’ll feel better, that works too!

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I’m Going To Florida + A Giveaway

In just a few short weeks I will be in the sunny state of Florida for my cousins wedding. Do you remember my happy list from last week? Well, I forgot to include, family and friends who get married in sunny destinations.

I know you never need a reason or an excuse to travel, but you can see why having a wedding in another country would make someone who likes to justify every single little thing, very very happy. Plus, when you’ve only been back from Mexico for not even two months, you really need to have some backup when asking your boss for more vacation time. Oh, that reminds me, is there anyone that has a wedding coming up, say, next winter in the Bahamas, St. Lucia, or Hawaii? If you could just go ahead and pop my invitation in the mail, that would be greatly appreciated. I promise, you don’t need to feed me, just the invitation is fine enough and I’ll even throw in a wedding present.

Alright, one vacation at a time, so let’s get back to Florida.

I’m really excited because, not only do I get to see my beautiful cousin get married, but I get to spend a full week on St. Petes Beach with my sister, her husband, and my two nephews who I rarely get to see.

Last years family vacation.

And, after that week is over, me and Todd will be continuing our trip and driving to Orlando, which means….Disney World!!

I’ve been to Disney World once when I was a little girl, but I don’t think that really counts when you’re only nine years old (although I surprisingly still remember a lot, like how Back To The Future and Splash Mountain were my favourite rides and how my dad tried to wake me and my sister up one morning by tipping the pull-out couch which resulted in us getting stuck in the couch, oh and crying when I lost my breath going down a steep water slide at one of the water parks we visited). I honestly can’t wait to experience all of it again, minus the crying and the getting stuck in a couch part.

Here’s where I need your help, friends. It seems that there are a million and one things that you can and should do in Orlando so, if you’ve ever been, I’d love to know what were some of your favourite places or things to do. Any tips or suggestions would be great!

One more thing, since we’re on the topic of Disney World, I’d love for you to enter the giveaway below for a chance to win a $20 Disney gift card. Whether you’re travelling there in the future or if you just want to purchase some of their merchandise online, this extra little bit of cash can help. Orrrr, winning the gift card and then giving it right back to me for my trip works good too!!  🙂

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Target Finds + #1800MinuteChallenge Update

Was it just me or did this weekend fly by? I know I probably say that after every weekend, but this one really seemed to go quick and I honestly can’t believe that it’s Monday already. I had to work Sunday afternoon so I’m thinking that might have had a little something to do with it.
As soon as I opened my eyes Sunday morning I had this strong desire to shop, so I made up my mind and decided it was finally okay to give into my shopping cravings. After all, I had been really, really good since the new year (whatever you have to tell yourself, right?). What I forgot, though, was that our clothing stores here are only open from noon to 5pm on Sundays, which was exactly when I had to work.


But, then I remembered that Target opens at 8am every.single.day of the week so off I went. Oh target, how my love grew for you even more because of this. I picked up the three items below all for great prices and all before the hours of 9am (I probably shouldn’t be too proud of that last statement, though).
Pretend you don’t see my face, there could still be sleep in my eyes.

On another note, I’m already loving the #1800minutechallenge and we’re only a few days in. You wanna know why? For several reasons, actually (I know you didn’t actually say yes to that question.). The biggest thing, obviously, being the accountability. It’s so easy to get off track or say that you’re going to go to the gym “tomorrow”, but this little spreadsheet below reminds you that you actually have to type something in it which means you actually have to do something. But, it’s also nice to know that you can get away with saying that you’re going to go to the gym “tomorrow” because it doesn’t require that you workout every day. My lazy self really likes that part the best.
I emailed Todd my spreadsheet this morning after it was updated and he sent this one back to me with his information included right alongside mine and a message that said, “the competition is on!”.
Competition?  Doesn’t he know that once I get something in my head there’s usually no stopping me, or do you think I need to remind him again about my 8am trip to Target on a Sunday morning?
Happy a great week, everyone! 
Oh, although I’m hoping to do more updates on the #1800minutechallenge around here over the next two months, you can follow along with me on Twitter or Instagram if you ever want to hear me complain about my workouts some more.  
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