Celebration For Three

June 15th is always a special day in my family because, not only is it my sister’s birthday, it’s my nephew’s birthday too. How crazy is it that she had her first child on her 30th birthday? And now this year, we have yet another reason to celebrate...

What’s Been Going On This Week

Happy Friday (the 13th?)! I realized last night that I haven’t stopped in here once over this past week, so today I wanted to try and change that. In all honesty, I’ve been feeling like I don’t have a whole lot to say lately, which is...

It’s June?/ Five On Friday

ONE//  It’s so hard to believe that we’re almost into the second week of June. June? I’m pretty sure that for those of us who live in Newfoundland, we actually don’t believe it because the weather is making it next to...

Some Bachelorette Talk

Since I’ve started blogging, I can honestly say that most times when I come here I feel like I’m walking into a room completely blind folded without even the tiniest glimpse of what direction I should be going in. While I know that my topics are...