by | Jan 9, 2017 | Christmas, Life | 0 comments

I know, I know. Christmas is over and has been for a while now, but I think we all know by now I’m always just a few steps behind with everything. We finally took down our Christmas decorations this weekend (minus the outside lights, which I’m pretty sure with our track record will stay up until the spring) and now our house is in that initial awkward phase of feeling super bare. While I do love less clutter, I certainly miss the coziness around here.

I had a little over a week off of work which was so nice. And although we didn’t have any big plans this year, it still turned out to be quite the busy Christmas. By the time New Year’s rolled around, we were both completely exhausted (I’m sure eating like crap for an entire week had a little somethin’ to do with that though). But saying that, we had such a great week spending it with family and friends. 

With another big snowfall on Christmas Eve, we sure got our white Christmas (and we still have a white January…I’m obviously waiting any day for that to be over #hellospring)!
Christmas Eve was spent with Todd’s brother and his family. They cooked a great meal (like they always do!), and we loved spending the evening with the kids, especially since they were so excited waiting for Santa to come. They even let us help them put out milk and cookies for him!! Although we were late getting home that night, we couldn’t go to bed without watching our usual Christmas Eve movie, Home Alone, and consuming a few glasses of slush!

And then it was Christmas morning! We opened our gifts and then cooked ourselves a delicious breakfast before heading out to Todd’s brothers again to spend the rest of the day/night with them and the rest of his family (and of course, eat tons more food).

We left Boxing Day to drive out home, where we’re both from, and we spent that afternoon at my Aunt’s house for brunch with my mom’s side of the family. The next few days were spent visiting, eating, playing games, more visiting, more eating, etc. You get the idea, right? It was very strange not having my parents and my sister and her family home this year, and it was soooo easy to miss them! 
Playing ‘speak out’ – not a trip to the dentist!!
The next few days were spent back home celebrating with friends we hadn’t seen over Christmas. And then, before we knew it, it was New Year’s Eve. We had no plans prior to the day, but thankfully our friends convinced us to get off our lazy butts and celebrate with them. Thankfully they did because we had such a fun night ringing in 2017, just the four of us!

So, tell me, how were your holidays? Do your pants feel tighter like mine? And are you all ready for another holiday too? Christmas definitely has a funny way of making you feel like you never want it to end, while simultaneously making you want to get back to your normal routine as quickly as possible….minus the work part! The work part was rough last week!!

Until next time.


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Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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