You Will Never Catch Me…..

by | Jun 20, 2014 | About Me, Life | 13 comments

// Wearing sneakers with anything but yoga pants. Regardless if I’m going to be walking around all day, they won’t be going on my feet. 10 hours walking around Disney World + Flip Flops = I’m sure my feet really, really appreciated that.
// Not saying “I love you” before getting off the phone with my parents or Todd. 
// Eating inside a restaurant on a summers day when I could be having a drink and soaking up that sunshine on their patio outside.
// Going to a store just to browse. I either go with the intentions of buying something or I don’t go in at all. Anything but is just plain torture.
// Writing a blog post every day. How in the world do some people do that? Superpowers?

// Choosing tea over coffee, chocolate over chips, or wine over beer.

// Watching a scary movie. It’s never going to happen. Ever. #nightmaresforlife
// Being a vegetarian. I’m just not creative enough to figure out meals that don’t involve meat. Plus, I love me a good steak or burger so there’s that. 
// Wearing a crop top, which is making shopping for the summer of 2014 extremely difficult, but it is making my stomach really grateful by not even looking in their direction.
// Sleeping my weekends away anymore. Call it getting old, but I just love waking up early on a Saturday morning knowing I have the full day ahead of me.
// Sleeping with my makeup on. Okay, maybe I should rephrase; you will never catch me sleeping with my makeup on under normal circumstances..aka when no drinks are involved.
// With cash on hand. Coffee, gum, you name the price range, my visa will be swiped.

// Washing my hair every single day or every second day or every….you get the idea!

// With a full tank of gas in my car. I’m just so darn lazy to have to wait for it to fill up.

// Not blasting the radio whenever I hear an older, feel good song like I did a couple of days ago. Wilson Phillips, “Hold On” anyone?

// And not being so stinkin’ happy on FRIDAYS!!! 

Hope you’re all so stinkin’ happy too today! Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Mar Ward

    I think we're meant to be BFF. Haha exactly me, especially the coffee, chips and beer 🙂
    Have a good weekend! I hope you're getting some cabin and patio weather!

  2. K @ Keeping Up With K...

    I refuse to wear runners for anything but running. My feet usually hate me by the time I get home from Vegas with all the walking that is done but it's worth it.Flip flops for life.

    I tried being a vegetarian once. It lasted a grand total of 2 weeks and every time I bring up trying it again I get murderous looks from friends and family. Apparently not eating meat made me realllly cranky haha

  3. Helene in Between

    i wear tennis shoes EVERY DAY! they are just so comfortable! seriously why are crop tops the only thing being sold?

  4. Anonymous

    I said YES to about 90% of these. completely agree! The tennis shoe one is so true for me. I pretty much only wear them when I'm going to take the dog for a walk. She even knows when the tennis shoes come out of the closet she is going on a walk. hahah she goes crazy!

  5. Tami

    I was nodding my head to so many of these! The sneakers, and the no cash, and the friday happies for sure!

  6. Anonymous

    totally agree about the sneakers thing. My feet are claustrophobic!

  7. Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee

    I haaaate eating outside. When I was a kid and my family would eat outside, I'd eat INside alone at the table, bahahah!

  8. VivianBishopxo

    We have so much in common! I feel you on the crop top thing, it seems every time I find a cute top I realize it's cropped.. not cool.

  9. Alex @ she's his co-pilot

    I want to copy this blog post idea! It's so good!

    I'm with you on a lot of this: I'll never wear makeup to bed and I almost never have cash on me. Seriously, how do people write blog posts everyday? Just no time for that!

  10. Liz @ Fitness Blondie

    Girl AMEN x 100 about gas and cash. I never carry cash and I would rather be punched that put gas in my car hahahaha


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Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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