My Kind Of Weekend

Apr 1, 2014

Hey guys, how was everyones weekend?
Although my weekend was kind of a quiet one, it was actually a really great one. I’ve always said that my favourite weekends are ones that involve a mixture of being productive, going out, and still finding some time for a little bit (or a lot) of relaxation. And that’s exactly what this weekend consisted of.
Saturday was spent cleaning and organizing parts of my house. I guess you could call it starting in on my spring cleaning since I decided to tackle the parts that I usually avoid like the plague; the spare rooms, or as I like to call them, the dumping ground. You know, the place where items go when you can’t seem to find a permanent home for them. Boy how nice does it feel to have that done now. I’ve walked past those rooms about a million times already just to admire them and I’m crossing my fingers they stay like that until next spring. #nevergonnahappen
Later that evening we tried out a new restaurant that just opened here in the downtown area; LeGrows & Motti. I don’t think I have ever been in such a nice restaurant before and, in fact, I felt like I was eating in Toronto or New York or some other large city. Oh, and the food was pretty amazing too, which is kind of an important part. But in all honesty, I was completely sold the minute I stepped foot inside.

A little action shot before heading out! 

Just a small little glimpse inside the restaurant (via

The cause of the (best) food coma! 

I had Sunday to myself (both puppy and fiance-less) so it was spent running errands, preparing my meals for the week, blog reading, some nail pampering, and finding a new reality tv show that I couldn’t stop watching in between all of that; Eric and Jessie. What can I say? I’m a sucker for reality tv shows. The night ended with my parents coming up for dinner (and believe it or not, I actually cooked for them) and stuffing my face with mini eggs while we watched 12 Years A Slave. Although some parts were a little hard to watch, this is one movie you definitely need to see.

Speaking of stuffing my face, I’ve been a little off track since I’ve been back from Mexico so over the weekend I joined Erin’s #1800MinuteChallenge. All you have to do is sign up and aim to reach 1800 minutes of physical activity from now until the end of May. If you do the math on that, and luckily Erin did that for all of us, it works out to 30 minutes of exercise a day. What better way to get back on track then by getting some extra motivation from some wonderful bloggers.

One last thing…I just realized this is the last day of March. I’m trying really, really, really hard to be positive over the last few “spring” weeks but this weather is just making it impossible.

This is my view right now and what’s worse is that we’re expecting anywhere from 35-50 cms of snow over the next day or two. So, who lives somewhere warm and who wants to take me in?  Me and my passport will be here waiting….we’re obviously not going anywhere anytime soon!

Have a great week and if you happen to get some sunshine, soak it all in!!!

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  1. Holly

    I love organizing, but sometimes it's overwhelming trying to tackle the "dumping ground." Our spare room is like that since the move and I've been slowly going through the unpacked bins. One bin at a time 🙂 Sounds like a great weekend, minus the poopy weather! I'm so over it. We did have a nice day here in Ohio today – thank goodness! Come on Spring!

  2. Becky M

    I love your blazer! Sometimes laid back weekends are the best! Happy Tuesday!

  3. LesleyEpstein

    Love that blazer!! Where did you get it?? I need one for our vacay coming up soon!!

  4. Ashley

    That blazer!!! I love. Your weekend looks like it was amazing! And I think I need to join that challenge, too… Thanks for sharing!

  5. Carly

    You look gorgeous! That color looks amazing on you! We got snow on Sunday– not that much but enough for it to still be highly annoying (especially when driving!), so I feel your pain!

    I love the look of that restaurant! Such a cool atmosphere!

  6. Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky

    your skin…I DIE! radiant and gorgeous.

    spring has FINALLY shown her face around here and everything is melting. it's about time!! hoping it gets warmer where you are soon.

    Vodka and Soda

  7. Steph G

    I hope the weather is a little better for you SOON. I got a little sun today and it was overdue 🙂 And that food… makes me sooo hungry.


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Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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