One Month To Go/ Five on Friday

Nov 15, 2013

Hot diggity dog it’s Friday!!  Okay, where did that just come from? For the record, I’ve never ever said that phrase in my entire life and I have no idea why my fingers decided to type those words.  I won’t erase it, though.  I’ll save it for when I look back at this post so I can laugh while reading it with my head down. 

It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve done a five on Friday (it could be last week for all I know, because the days seem to be all lumped together lately) but I’m back today to share my favourite things from this week.

ONE//  Target
If you’ve been following me on twitter, then you may remember me mentioning a couple of times about how excited I am that we’re finally going to have a Target here.  I am not kidding when I say that I have been counting down the days, just waiting to figure out what all of the fuss is with this place because I’ve heard and seen some pretty great things come out of this store.  Even though it opened Wednesday, I’ve been having to straight jacket myself to wait a few days until the madness dies down before I venture in.  You can be sure, though, that I’ll update you all on my first impression very soon. 

The first picture was from last spring when I was randomly driving and caught a glimpse of the Target sign. I immediately locked my breaks and whipped out my phone so I could share this good news with everyone.

TWO// Pretty Nails
Last night, myself and the bestie went and got some nail pampering. I chose this dark grey colour (always such a tough decision!) because I’ve never tried a colour like this before and, I must say, I really, really like it. I can seriously soon see an addiction forming.


THREE// Winter Tim Hortons Cups
I don’t have red Starbucks cups to display, but I can now show off the winter Tim Hortons cups. For any of you Tim Hortons lovers out there, although these are not as good as the roll up the rim cups, they’re definitely second best.


FOUR// My Job
I’m happy to say that after lots of cuts happening here in my office, I still have my job so that makes me pretty darn happy.  We also have our Christmas party this weekend, so I’m really looking forward to that. Free meal, free drinks, and free cab rides equals not too shabby for this girl!  I just realized how ironic slash crazy that is after making so many cuts with employees over the last couple of weeks. Priorities?

FIVE// One Month To Go
A month from Sunday, my niece or nephew will be making an appearance.  I’m psychic like that.

Not really.  My sister has to have a C-section so she is officially scheduled for Dec 17th.  This by far trumps everything this week, and you all know how excited I am about the Target store. Oh, and of course, still having a job (that probably should have been what I said first instead of Target).

Since they’re not finding out if it’s going to be a boy or girl, myself and Todd made a little bet (although I don’t think we actually agreed on the ‘winning/losing’ part, but I’m sure we’ll think of something good). So, in writing, I think it’s going to be a boy and Todd thinks it’s going to be a girl.  I can’t wait to find out!  Eeeek!

Well, that’s pretty much my week in a list nut shell.

Have a great weekend everyone!
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  1. Pleas(e) and Carrots

    I love gray nails! And omg I don't know how you've made it this long without a Target!!

  2. Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often

    Love that nail color! You will understand the Target bug no doubt about it! How exciting to becoming an Auntie with a niece/nephew.

  3. Alex[andra]

    Awww! Congrats on soon having a niece or nephew!

    Roll Up The Rim cups are really the only cups that matter. I get super addicted to Tim Horton's during that time even though I almost never win.

    I'm glad you still have your job. 🙂

  4. Anonymous

    That nail color is perfect! Love it! Makes me want to do some grey nails soon.

    Also, congrats on the Target… it is totally life changing. But then again, this is coming from a total Target freak. 🙂

  5. The Modern Tulip

    I want that nail color! And how have you ever managed without a Target? You'd better just prepare for your bank account to take a beating now.

  6. Elise @ Her Heart and Home

    YAYYY for target!! love love love.
    and the nails (and ring) are gorgeous!!!!!!
    happy friday, beauty! xx

  7. Stephanie

    I'm sorry you're about to be sucked in by all that is Target. I wish you luck, my friend!

  8. J

    Congrats on your niece/nephew almost being here! I love the idea of not finding out, but I don't know if I'd have the self-control to go through with it haha. Props to your sister! And you will love Target (at least I'm pretty sure you will haha)

  9. CWY

    I love the polish color! Stopping by from the link-up. Happy Friday!

    Forever Young

  10. Anonymous

    woah woah woah you have NEVER been in a Target???!? Ever?!! That is just CRAZY talk. While waiting to let the madness die down I hope you are also saving that money bc you are going to spend hours in there. Wear good walkin shoes. Never have been in a Target??! Still in shock here.

    I didn't know or had forgot about your soon to be niece or nephew so when I saw that ultrasound pic my heart jumped, my eyes got big and the smile on my face went from ear to ear. I thought that was an announcement for you!

  11. Ally Harding

    You're going to love having a Target! It's amazing but bad for your bank account! I love that nail polish!

  12. Sarah

    I'm looking forward to hearing how your Target is. I'll be honest and say the one near me is a HUGE let down. They don't stock their shelves. Ever..

    I'm a huge Tim's lover too and could eat donuts all day every day.

  13. Mary @ Eat Drink and Be Mary

    Love the nails! Found you through your guest post on The Modern Tulip!

  14. Kym @ Travel Babbles

    It's fine that I thought you had a baby announcement, right? har har har har 😉 Love your mani … and are Tim Tim cups the same as Red Cups, do people go crazy about them?

  15. Ashley

    I love those nails! Gray is the best fall color 🙂


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Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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