Happy Feet Can Only Mean New Boots

by | Oct 24, 2013 | Uncategorized | 11 comments

One of my favourite things about fall is buying new boots (who’s with me on that?), but what’s even better is that I feel like I can actually justify buying them.  I mean, no one would ever want my feet to get cold, right?  That’s been my story and I’m sticking to it.
Thankfully this time I didn’t have to try and convince Todd with all of the reasons why I needed to buy a new pair because my friend gave me a gift card to Aldo for my birthday (um, love her) so I only had to put a little bit extra of my own money towards this new purchase.  I was searching for about a month but nothing really stood out to me, and when the prices are a little bit on the higher side (for my budget anyway), I wanted to make sure that I loved what it is that I was buying and not just settling because it was technically a gift.
But then one night as I walked into the store, I saw these in the corner of my eyes and it was love at first sight. 
Aldo Keana Boots
They didn’t have my size in the store (which was a lot smaller than normal) so I had to wait a few days for them to get shipped in, but on Monday our long distance relationship finally ended and we haven’t left each others side since.  
The colour is perfect and I especially love the decorative straps around the ankle.  And the heel makes these the most comfortable things my feet has ever stepped into, which makes them oh so happy. And I also can’t forget to say that my feet haven’t been cold in them either.  You hear that, Todd?  

Do you remember when I talked here about how it seemed that there was actually a possibility that I might be getting the hang of using my DSLR camera after three years?  Well, taking these pictures quickly put that theory to rest.

If you compare the picture above to this one below you really have no idea what colour these boots actually are. I don’t think that happens when you’re a pro!






Not happy hair!  Woah!
What boots are you loving this fall?  I’d love to know!  

Oh, and don’t forget to give me some reasons to help me justify why I need them.  Help a girl out, please!


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  1. Mar Ward

    Those boots are amazing! The perfect amount of heel. And where did you get that shirt? I'm in need of a new fall/winter wardrobe badly.

  2. Alex[andra]

    You need them simply because they're super nice! I want a pair now too!

  3. Anonymous

    Those boots look SO cute on you!! I wish I could pull off the little booties 🙁 I laugh at myself anytime I try a pair on. I'm more of a tall boot kind of girl.

  4. LesleyEpstein

    I may have to borrow these when you come visit for xmas this year!!!

  5. Sarah

    Cute boots. The detailing around the ankle adds a nice unique touch. I also really like how they aren't super high. Perfect for everyday wear! SOLID purchase friend.

  6. Becky M

    Those look like they will be so versatile! Great choice1


  7. J

    So cute! And I love your scarf too!! Clearly, you need them because they're comfortable, and the straps make them versatile, which saves you from buying even more boots to match the rest of your clothes. (I'm really experienced at justifying shoe purchases! Haha)

  8. carly

    These are seriously so cute! Usually I'm more plain but I love the chain detailing on those– love your entire outfit! I just came across your blog & am a new follower 🙂

  9. Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often

    Those boots are so cute, that is all the reason you need!! Love the details and the color! I just got a brown pair at Target that I love though the heel is a little to high for when it snows but they are cute!! So basically I need a second pair too! 😉


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Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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