Last week was a pretty great week. Well, besides having a teeny tiny meltdown at work one day and then getting stuck in traffic for almost two hours on a normal fifteen minute drive another day, which I clearly must be still traumatized from because, you guys, it was bad. I’m talking bumper to bumper, screaming from the inside bad. I guess if nothing else though, it gave me a whole lot of appreciation to be living somewhere where I rarely get to experience that sort of thing. Because again, it was real bad.
But back to the good. I’m not sure if was because it was my birthday week or if it was because it was a short work week but, either way, I enjoyed it and here’s a few things that helped…..and that I actually managed to take some pictures of (go blogger me!).
Freshly picked blueberries. Oh, this made me happier than freshly picked blueberries should really make anyone, but for two good reasons. One, picking them made me all nostalgic as it brought back such good memories to when my sister and I would do this together around this time of the year when we were younger. And two, not having to pay four or five dollars for what looks like a spoonful of my favourite fruit at the grocery store the last two times I’ve been there. I have another container in my fridge that my mom picked and gave me yesterday so it looks like I’ll continue to be in blueberry heaven this week too.
Seeing old friends. You know those type of friends who you rarely get to see anymore, but yet when you do, it feels like no time has passed and you instantly pick up from where you last left off? Well, that’s how it is with my friend Megan, who lives in Alberta and who I got to spend some time with on Monday after a full year. Megan is one of the most thoughtful and caring people I know, and every time I’m around her, I’m instantly reminded of just how thankful I am for our friendship.
Friends announcing their pregnancy. I can’t even imagine how these two are feeling right now because my heart has been doing nothing but backflips with excitement since finding out they’re about to soon become parents, and amazing ones at that. This is such a huge moment in their lives, and we couldn’t be any happier for the both of them. Although I know Todd would be if they decided to go with his suggestion of naming the baby after him; Todd or Toddette.
The book, Divergent. I had quite the addiction to the movie, so I was curious to see how I was going to find the book. As I expected though, I really enjoyed it and I thought that both the book and the movie were fairly similar, which isn’t always the case. But, now I’m faced with quite the dilemma; should I go ahead and read the next book? I’ve never had a good experience with loving a movie after I’ve read the book first, but it’s going to take every bit of self control in me to not find out what happens next. Decisions, decisions!
Booking our tickets for Chicago. The countdown is officially on because in just a few short weeks, me and Todd will be heading to the windy city. We’ve both never been before, but have wanted to go for quite some time now and I’m so happy it’s finally booked. Seeing and exploring new cities is my all time favourite thing so, needless to say, I’m super, super excited! I’ve already started in on the list of ‘things to do in Chicago’, but if you have any recommendations at all, this Canadian would sure love to hear them.
Well, I’m off to stalk The Daily Tay’s blog some more, because you really can’t hear the word Chicago without thinking about her. I hope you all have a great week!