I’ve kind of been struggling lately about whether or not I want to tell people about this little space of mine. Whenever I have some down time and actually let my mind wander off to wherever it wants to go, it always seems to go back to the same question, “do I want people to know?”. The reason why I’m struggling so much is because I can’t seem to figure out why I’m so hesitant to share.
Since my obsession with reading blogs years ago, I’ve always wanted to start one of my own. And, in not even two short months, I’ve already realized that it’s been a great decision and I’m so happy that I finally took the plunge. This is my place. It’s a place where I can share things that are important to me, things that I find interesting, or things that I want to be able to remember in the future. It’s my place, and it’s a place that can be whatever I want it to be.
In the past couple of weeks I’ve also gotten a very small glimpse about what all those bloggers have been raving about for years, and that is the blogging community. It has been so amazing being able to discuss things and relate to others who you don’t know (although I feel like I’ve known some bloggers my whole life), and who live in places you’ve never even heard of? Pretty, pretty cool! And I’m hoping I have only scratched the surfaced.
With so many positive things, what’s my problem?
I guess a big part is that I’m worried about what those who know me will think. Will they think that this is silly? Will they enjoy reading? Will they think that I seem myself? Are they going to think that I think that my life is that important that I have to share it with everyone?
It’s ironic because each time I hit that publish button I’m welcoming anyone and everyone, but it has never made me feel as hesistant as sharing with my closest friends or family. It’s kind of like public speaking, I would much rather get up in front of thousands of people I don’t know, then to present in front of a few people that I do know. Think about it, how strange does that sound?
I think we all could agree that Dr. Seuss would tell me to not worry and just put myself out there. And over the last couple of years I’ve been really trying to practice these words more. They’re oh so simple, but oh so true!
It’s silly, really, because the people I want to let in on this little secret, are the people I care most about in this world. I would hope that they would see my excitement and want to follow along with me. And, if nothing else, just not mock me when I want to take a gazillion pictures of what I ate for dinner so I can have some material for my weekly recaps!!
And in case anyone has that negative comment above whirling around in their head, the truth is that yes, I do think that my life is that important….. to me, and I never, ever want to feel like it’s not, or to stop striving to make it any more important.
Pheww, now that I got all of that out today I feel like I’m ready to tackle the world (in baby steps, of course).
I've been blogger well over a year now (maybe 2) and I still haven't told many people close to me about my blog. Actually my brother found my blog one day and called me. He seemed warded out about it so that was a bit odd. THEN his wife posted on my fb about my brother finding my blog. So of course people start commenting 'I want the link!' I PM'd them it. For days after knowing people close to me knew about it I was watching more of what I was blogging about. I prefer the ones close to me not know about it. Not really sure why though.
I think everyone struggles with this. It's hard because you're an open book online, but a lot of times to complete strangers, not your closest friends and family so I definitely know where you are coming from! And by the way, you're an excellent writer! You were made to be a blogger. 🙂
A lot of bloggers have kept their blogs to themselves for one reason or another. We put a lot of yourself out there when we blog. From day one I put my blog out on Facebook and Twitter for all my friends and family to view. I figured what the heck, if they like it fine. I have had so many of them come up to me and tell me they read my blog and look forward to reading it. Most have never commented but they told me they read it. It blew me away and made me glad I took that step.
I definitely struggle with this and I know lots of people who do as well, so you're not alone!! I personally would like to keep mine pretty secret, just because of the profession I am entering (law) plus I like a place where I don't have people in my 'real' life judging me based on what I wrote– I feel like I would write differently. As of right now, the only people that know about mine are my boyfriend Brian who I live with, and my mom, who actually just found out and promised not to tell anymore, but of course she loves it haha. So I think telling people in real life boils down to whether or not it will affect your freedom to write what you want!
I have told some of my close friends and boyfriend that I started a blog but have not told them the web address and think I will get it that way for a while. It's not so much because I am hiding things from them (I'm not) but I really just want this to be for ME and if people I knew in real life were reading it, I feel like it would be different. At least for now.
I totally feel ya.
I'm totally the same way. If I hear a friend of family member mention that they read my blog, I instantly get embarrassed and try to downplay it. Im all like, "Oh..that thing? Yeah, it's silly. I don't have anything to write about." When actually, it's a project that I'm pretty proud of. It's a very weird reaction, but I think most people are like this too.
I love this post! I shared my blog on facebook, and the felt super awkward about it when I started blogging for the first time a year ago. After awhile, I realized that it was because I was trying to sound like some of the "famous" bloggers I was reading, and I didn't even like what I was writing, because it wasn't my voice. I deleted everything, started over, and now, even though I don't actively promote my posts to family and friends (although I know some of them read anyway), I feel good about having the link to my blog on my instagram etc. It's still kind of weird to think of less close acquaintances reading the more personal things I write, but I know that they'll still recognize my voice in it, and that makes me happy. Personally, I think your blog is fab, and you should be proud to share away. But, that's coming from a fellow kind-of closet blogger haha.
This is such a great post! I started Seriously Kate last December and it has taken me quite awhile to branch out and share. I started with Twitter, and then only recently moved up in the social media world to Facebook. Why the hesitation? The constant concern as to whether or not anyone really cares? And then, do I care if anyone does or not? It has to be this never ending battle that exists within a blogger. As people are slowly finding out, I absolutely love hearing positive feedback. Even so, I realize there are some folks out there who I've shared this with who don't care one iota.
But am so excited for you! Because it is fun and it is an awesome experience. By the way, YOU have an awesome blog! 🙂
I've been blogging for about 10 months now, and a still have a large portion of people close to me that have no idea. I know it's because I am afraid of being judged by them… But it doesn't bother me enough to keep me from writing altogether.
I have my blog link on my Facebook account … and I'll share a post here or there if I feel like it would interest some of my friends on there (like the dog tracker that I reviewed a few weeks back) … but other than that, my blog is kind of on the DL … or so I think. Three friends have randomly brought up a post that I wrote and I get all weird and never know how to respond to them praising the post. It's weird. I really try to separate blog life and real life. What's even more weird is two years ago one of the guys on TJs team was talking to him in the locker room about how much he loves my blog, and he was jealous of some dessert that I made for TJ and posted about. WEIRDDDDDDOOOO lol.