Well, it’s Friday again!!!! This week didn’t go quite as fast as the last one which means you, Friday, broke your promise to me from last week’s post. You’re here now, though, so I’ll forgive you. I’m really not trying to wish my time away, but who doesn’t love a weekend? This girl sure does!
A little while ago I discovered a great link-up here called 5 on Friday, which lets bloggers come together and share 5 random things on, you guessed it, Friday. I figured I would also join in on the fun, so carrying on with last week, my 5 things are ones that stood out to me during the week and made me extra happy!
(1) We finally have our basement apartment rented. We bought our house two years ago (almost to the date) with an unfinished apartment, with the intent that Todd and his handy-dandy dad would complete in no time. I don’t think we realized just how difficult this was going to be. Thankfully it’s finished now (just cluing up a few minor things), and we now have someone moving in towards the end of next month. Can I get a hallelujah? As you can tell, this made both of us very happy and it will be so nice going forward not having to worry about finding the time to get it completed.
(2). Another big thing happened last night and that involved wedding planning. We set up an appointment to view a possible venue. We’re aiming for the end of next summer or early fall, so we have to get the ball rollin’ if we’re going to make that happen because everything books up so early. No decisions have been made yet because we still want to check out some more places, but it was exciting just starting the process.
(3). I also stayed on track with eating better and made it to the gym twice, which was exactly what I needed to lift my spirits from last week. And although my motivation is still not quite as high as I would like, it’s definitely getting there.
(4). I received a birthday gift card to Sports Check and La Senza in the mail from my friend this week, so I know that some shopping will be in my near future. Yayy! With an eight month old puppy that loves to tear up all of my underwear, this couldn’t have come at a better time.
(5). I was reminded that such a small gesture from a total stranger can totally make your day. Saturday morning, Todd took Charley for a drive and went through the Tim Horton’s drive thru to get a coffee and he ended up letting another vehicle go ahead of him in the line. When he got to the window to pay for his coffee, the person from the vehicle ahead of him bought our girl 6 timbits as a way to say thank you. He called me immediately to tell me, and I can honestly say that both of our days became so much brighter because of this.
Well, that’s it for another week.
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. We’ll be spending this weekend in our cabin, so I’m sure you’ll be hearing all about that real soon.

Isn't it crazy how fast wedding venues get scooped up?! We were engaged for a year, and got on the venue searching right away, and STILL had trouble finding one that wasn't already booked. Hope you guys love the one you're looking at! Also, that drive-thru story is so sweet. Random gestures like that are the best 🙂
It is SO crazy, she told us last night that she only has Friday's available for next August or September, so we definitely have to speed up the process!
That is so sweet about the drive-thru! WOW 🙂 And exciting about potentially finding a venue!
I hope you like the venue!!!
It's the little things that can make or break a person's day. Just like a smile – those who don't do it often need to see it the most. 🙂
Congrats on your upcoming nuptials and a potential venue! I'm stopping by from the link up and am your newest follower!
Thanks ladies!
And thanks Kate, I'm heading on over to check yours out now! 🙂
Yay for getting that apartment rented, that has to feel awesome!
Feels sooooo awesome!!
Thanks for stopping by Krysten!
Oh, how sweet of that guy to treat you all! I have heard of people doing that before, what a great way to brighten someone's day!