No matter where you in the live in the world, I think we can all agree this week was an interesting one, to say the least. Very, very interesting. Even after a few days of processing everything, that’s still the only word I can come up with right now. So let’s move on, shall we?
Since it’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve last did a post like this, I figured one was in order for today. I always love these type of posts because they’re such a quick and easy way to share some updates and to just throw out a whole pile of information, albeit random information. Hopefully that’s your thing too!

- I’ve conquered 4 days at my new job and so far, so
goodgreat! My work location is made up of multiple buildings with tunnel systems, a gym, and even a coffee shop (definitely brings me back to my university campus days—ah the memories!), which is super nice but a little overwhelming. Luckily my office is only three feet away from a coffee machine and, as we all know, that’s the only thing that really matters. I’ve already got an invitation to their (I guess now, our) Christmas party next month, so I’m looking forward to that and to hopefully meeting some new friends before that so I don’t end up sitting in a corner all by myself for the entire evening. #newpersonproblems
- I found out in the middle of the week that I’ll be travelling next week actually for a few days for my new job and I can’t wait. I’m sure it sounds a hell of a lot more glamorous than it actually will be (especially with long flights and long working days), but I’m still super excited for the experience.
- A few weeks ago Charley cut her paw open pretty bad, which then got infected, which then resulted in a visit to the vet, a cone and three lots of medication, which then started to heal, which then got worse again when her dumb mother (yes, that would be me!) thought she was okay enough to play outside and caught her digging for treasure, which resulted in her paw splitting open and bleeding….again. But, I think she’s finally almost all better, thank god! It’s been a hard few weeks living with an active dog who’s been left alone all day and who can’t get out for a walk in the evenings. You could say we were both starting to go a little insane!!!
- A week ago the Chicago Cubs broke their 100+ years streak and won the World Series. Although I’m not much of a baseball fan, the Cubs have held a special place in my heart for the last few years since watching them at my one and only baseball game experience at Wrigley Field. I remember going to that game like it was yesterday, and I remember the craziness surrounding the streets outside Wrigley Field, so I can only imagine what it was like in Chicago after the win. Go Cubs!!
- I’ve been trying to start my Christmas shopping early, and I officially have one gift sitting in our office waiting to be wrapped. I know I say that every year and every year I say I actually mean it, but this year I really, really do (well, hopefully!!!). The closer it gets to Christmas, not only is it crazier shopping madness but it’s also the time when I want to be doing nothing but fun Christmas activities like going for drives and looking at Christmas lights or curling up on the couch watching Christmas movies.
- I guess I can’t end this without saying something (other than the word, interesting) about what happened this week– Donald Trump getting elected to become President of the United States. Although I’m Canadian, and although I’m probably not as educated on the topic as I should be, I’ve still been completely wrapped up in this election, as I’m sure everyone around the world has been. The amount of news articles, blog posts, pictures, memes and many, many discussions and opinions on various forms of social media that I’ve read this week has been overwhelming and I know it was/been/is a crazy/confusing time for a lot of people in the US. I guess the best, and only thing, I can say right now is that there are so many people out there who truly want the best for America, whatever that may be. Oh, and I still can’t believe DONALD TRUMP is the president. I don’t think that sentence will never not sound normal to any of us.
And with all of that said, regardless of what is going on wherever you may be, take some time out of your day to think about all of the good things in your life right now. Since today is Remembrance Day here in Canada, I’m remembering, and especially thankful for, all of those who have fought for us and our country, both past and present. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Until next time.