I drove out home bright and early Saturday morning, not only to pick up Charley and get my winter tires put on my car, but to also have a relaxing night into our cabin.
Before I go any further with this post, I feel like it’s now my duty to inform you all of a very important lesson when getting your tires switched on your vehicle. Okay, so when you pick up your vehicle from the service department, make sure you actually check that the tires that were taken off and placed in your trunk or backseat are, in fact, your own tires (even if they wrap them in fancy bags). My car wasn’t dropped off for even ten minutes on Saturday morning before I received a phone call saying that the winter tires I had given them were the wrong ones. My initial reaction– that’s not possible. Well trust me folks, it is possible if the last spot that switched them for you gave you someone else’s tires. I guess I’ll be now adding winter tires to my Christmas wish list this year. Le sigh.
So now even if you only skim through the remainder of this post, at least you can say you learned something here today. I took one for the team! And if someone else would like to take another one for the team and figure out a way to get me new tires, that would be great too.
Okay, so as much as I love spending time into our cabin, with each visit I quickly realize that our cabin (at this stage) may not be for everyone. I’ll let you decide, though.
– You hate being trapped in the woods with nothing but your significant other.
– You don’t want to do a 5 meter sprint just before the generator goes off so you can avoid walking like a zombie in the dark while trying to find your bed.
– You never want to hear the statement, “go grab a bucket of water to flush the toilet”.

i love cabins/cottages. when my friend's parents had theirs, we'd all go up there and sit in front of the fire all night all weekend doing nothing but drinking, talking and then playing cranium! it was the best 🙂
Vodka and Soda
I am in love with your and so so jealous. I want a cabin like yours! Homemade bread and moose sausage sounds relish by the way 🙂
Your cabin looks so cozy and relaxing. I have to admit, I would be having some major withdrawal from cell phones and internet. When we were in Europe in August, I would seek out wifi like a junkie. I can't be disconnected!
Your cabin sounds like bliss. Such a nice way to spend a weekend.
Also, thanks for the tip on the snow tires. Totally didn't even think that could happen!
Yes I will come stay there for a week or five. Looks like a great getaway. I'll bring plenty of water for the buckets 😉
So cozy and inviting! Looks like the perfect spot for a getaway.
I have never heard of water for flushing the toilets before?! We have a cottage down in Cape Cod and they have a septic system so we flush very rarely but it does flush. I love being in the deep woods though with no tv or phones to distract you for the people you are with. Perfectly cozy!
Oh no! So frustrating about the tires! Somehow it seems like cars always are more trouble than the should be!
And the cabin sounds like the perfect place to get away from everything (technology included!) for a while, which is always a good thing in my opinion!
the cabin looks like pure serenity.
and i'm so confused about the tire situation. if they gave you the incorrect ones, aren't they responsible to switch them??>
So this may be the dumbest comment ever… but what in the world are winter tires?! More heavy duty ones? Tires with chains on them like the movies? Us Texans only have one pair of tires, obviously. I just had to replace mine and hated the price tag, so I cannot even imagine having to buy regular AND winter tires.
SHUT UP about your tires! How the hell does that happen?!?! Can you call them and tell them what they did??!?! OMG we totally don't have the extra $$ right now to buy tires, I'd be flaming!!
Winter tires are SO expensive! I cannot imagine how stressed you must be about that! Not cool!
Your cabin is gorgeous! I love it!