Healthy Countdown To Christmas- Week 2

Dec 11, 2013

Wow, 2 weeks can certainly make a difference, wouldn’t you say? πŸ˜‰

What?  You mean you don’t believe that’s me up there?  I guess I couldn’t really fool you with that hair colour, hey?
So, just as I was sitting down last night to start thinking about all of the healthy things I did this week, the Victoria’s Secret Show was brought to my attention.  And when I say, “brought to my attention”, I actually mean I had feathers, jewels, and legs sticking out of my TV screen at one point. 


I think Erin summed up this day perfectly.
P.S. Happy national “last chance to stuff your face full of all the foods before you watch matchsticks walk a runway half naked” day.
β€” Two Thirds Hazel (@TwoThirdsHazel) December 10, 2013

As much as this show made me want to start rummaging through my junk food cupboard right then and there, I quickly decided against it because there was no way that I was adding that to the category of “bad things I ate this week”. Plus, ain’t nobody gonna get legs like that by eating junk food. Okay, so let’s see how I did. 

In case you missed:
Healthy Countdown to Christmas- Week 1
A Weight Loss Journey

The good:
-I continued to eat really good this week and I know a big part of it was due to packing my lunches the night before. This really does make a huge difference.
-I really impressed myself with my clean eating on Thursday and Friday (when I wasn’t working) because I find that I have a tendency to get more off track when I’m off than when I’m working.

The recipe for the muffin can be found here

The okay:
– I really wish I had more to share in the fitness department again this week, but unfortunately I don’t.
-I got out for two runs, but one of them was a super short one as it was freezing. 
-I know this is better than doing nothing, but I really need to start picking it up a little bit more.

The bad:
-Drinks and a poutine late Saturday night and Chinese food for dinner on Sunday.
Does walking around a mall for hours and hours counteract these things? Let’s hope so!
-But again, sometimes it helps with your motivation to sneak one (or two) “not so good” things in there.

I’m feeling much better over the last couple of weeks then I have in a long time so I’m really happy about that. It’s amazing how making small changes can do this.

 I can’t believe that we have only 2 more weeks to go before Christmas!!



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  1. Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky

    the way i see it, as long as you're not sitting around eating chips and bon bons, any activity – walking, a short run, a short lifting session etc – is good activity πŸ™‚

    i haven't worked out in a week due to this damn cold and i'm DYING but i know i need to get better first.

    Vodka and Soda

  2. Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often

    You are doing awesome! The foods look really good and healthy! All you can do it try to add more exercise from week to week! Get it girl!

  3. LesleyEpstein

    I like these posts the most on your blog….they make even my "9 month preggo-self" feel a little motivated (not that I do anything about it!!!). But, I'm mentally taking notes and inspiration for when this baby pops out!!

  4. Allyssa

    I've been trying to eat healthier recently, too! It's especially hard this time of year. I love your blog πŸ™‚

  5. Stephanie

    Your lunches look great! I'm so lazy, I just do a meal bar. I need to carve out time to make real food.

  6. Pleas(e) and Carrots

    You're doing so great! And you have to cheat sometimes or else you'll go crazy!! Plus YOLO right? hahaha btw what's poutine and how do you even say that? lol

  7. Lauren Collins

    Keep up the hard work! You're doing great! I always feel so much healthier if I eat clean for awhile. I need your motivation!

  8. Becky M

    All of your food looks so good! I wish I was motivated to run out in this weather!

  9. Alex[andra]

    I can't imagine how cold it is in your province. It is FREEZING here! Your brave for getting any runs done at all!

  10. Anonymous

    I need to start making lunches the night before. I think about it all the time, but laziness takes over and I don't care to do it. This would probably help me constantly being late to work too πŸ™‚

    What's in the wrap?> I LOVE wraps!

  11. keltie@f*ck yeah, france!

    Getting out for a run at all is better than nothing. MAYBE I ate a box of turtles in bed while watching movies today bc I had cramps and felt sorry for myself instead of taking a long walk with my dog or watching the same damn movies on a treadmill. See? Better πŸ™‚


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Meet RenΓ©e

Well, hello there! I'm RenΓ©e. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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