A strange little thing happened when we got back from our trip to Maui the middle of March; I went from just having the realization that we’re getting married, to full on thinking about it every day. That’s right, I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve completely moved over to the bride dark side. I’ve gotten to the point where I think about our wedding every single day. I honestly don’t know what’s come over me, but I often wonder if this feeling happens to all brides-to-be in the time leading up to their wedding? I’d like to think that’s normal, or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
Are there some nerves? A little! Is there a lot of excitement? You betcha! But, I think what happens at this point is that there’s an awful lot of wedding related things that takes up an awful lot of space in that head of yours as the big day gets closer. Over the last month or two, there’s rarely been any days that I haven’t had to do, or even think about, some type of wedding thing!
A long time ago I remember hearing that wedding planning comes in various stages, and now I know whoever said that was absolutely right! So far I’ve experienced three! Stage one is obviously the beginning of the planning. It’s where you take care of the bigger things that needs to be decided. You set a date, book a venue, book your photographer, decorator, you name it; it’s when you lock all of those important details in! It’s at this stage where you have a lot of room to breathe since you’re not on any time constraints, but the decisions you’re making at this point are some of the toughest you’ll have to make!
The second stage is the longest one, but probably the most stress-free one out of them all. You’re excited that you’re getting married so you want to start diving head first into all of the details, but unfortunately there’s not much planning that happens here, so your wedding has to get put on the back burner for a little while (except you really crank up your pinterest searching looking at all of the pretty things that you think you’re going to have at your wedding!). Your wedding feels so far away, and you kind of wish it was either much sooner or that there were more things you could be doing at this point to help make things easier on you later. But, there’s not, so you just have to sit back and carry on with your pinterest searching!
And then there’s the third stage; the one that I feel like I’m in right now! The to do list that you created a long time ago now has all of those small items on it that you can do, and actually have to do!! They’re not just to-do items any more that are sitting pretty waiting for their time. Their time has come right now. And there’s an awful lot of them!! You catch yourself wondering how you’re going to get them all done in time, while asking yourself how everything is supposed to come together from here.
So, for those who have been through this before, my question to you is if there’s another stage that’s coming? I have a funny feeling there is a fourth one that’s soon coming my way! I kind of picture it happening the week of our wedding as I’m pulling my hair out and driving everyone around me bat shit crazy with my wedding anxiety! I’d really love to stay away from this stage if at all possible!
I’m hoping next week to chat and do an update on some of the wedding things that has been happening around here lately! I’m actually heading to Toronto to spend the long weekend with my sister and her family…and to pick up my wedding dress!! I haven’t seen it (nor have I looked at one single image of it) since August, so I’m pretty excited, and not to mention, nervous about trying it on! Wish me luck!!!
Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
Until next time.