Oh, bachelorette parties! The event that most brides-to-be look forward to almost as much as they do their wedding day. Almost! Whether you’re the bachelorette or the good friend helping her celebrate, I’m sure we can all agree that it can be some of the best times ever. And while it’s probably not going to be the last hurrah with them, it’s a great way to get your closest girlfriends together and live it up before going off into the married world.How I felt about my bachelorette party was absolutely no different. It was a night that I was anticipating since the wedding date was finalized. And it turned out to be a night that I’ll both equally never forget, nor ever remember! To be more specific, as you’ve probably already guessed, it was the first half of the night that I’ll never forget. The second half? Well, I’m sure you’ve guessed that part too!

In case you need some help though, let me take you back to Sunday morning, June 18th, the morning after the party. It was around 8:00am when I finally opened my eyes and looked around the room to get my bearings as to where I was and to what happened the night before. After looking down at myself in my bed wrapped up in blankets, I noticed I was wearing only my bra and my spanx. You know, both the least sexiest or comfortable thing one could possibly ever wear to bed. With another quick look around the room I saw my dress hanging over our closest door and a white sash saying “Bride To Be” draped over our tv. It was then that I quickly realized that I left (or got carried…tomato, tomatoe) my own bachelorette party early. Between the realization of missing half my party and the feeling of pure sickness that came over me, I rolled over and smacked Todd, yelling at him to grab me a garbage bucket. But to my surprise, the garbage bucket was already next to my bedside from the night before…thanks to my lovely ladies!!
So, now that we got that part out of the way, let’s talk about the actual night. There’s no need to grab yourself a bucket if you want to continue reading because it only goes up from here!
When my girls started asking me about what I wanted to do for my bachelorette party, after throwing out a few ideas, I quickly settled on having a good ole fashion house party. At 31 years old, house parties with just the girls are very few and far between (see: never). See, that should have been my first inclination that we were bound for trouble! We’re not 19 anymore and we just can’t handle it like we used to (again, see: not at all). Or, maybe it was the fact that because we rarely go out anymore, the excitement caused us to head out of the gates too fast, charging at full speed. While I didn’t make it across the finish line, from what I was told though, it was a hard race for the rest of the group too!!

There were 11 of us girls in total, and I could not have asked for a better group to celebrate with, and I truly mean that. They all mean so much to me and never in my life have I had the chance to have them all together at once. A special mention goes out to my friend living in Edmonton and my sister living in Ontario who both came home earlier than the wedding so they could be there too. Why can’t bachelorette parties be every night? Oh, right, because of that earlier story, Renee!

The night actually started off quite calm with everyone just chatting and catching up. But then entered Burt Reynolds. Not the actual human, but the shot. It was all fun and games until we actually played a game, the underwear game, where I sucked at guessing who gave me which pair of underwear. The upside was scoring enough underwear to get me through weeks without having to do any laundry. The downside? Having to drink those shots every time I guessed wrong, hence the early departure!

The girls then asked me some bachelorette party appropriate type of questions that were asked to Todd prior, and I think we all had fun listening to both mine and Todd’s answers. It’s a real good thing though that dads don’t go to bachelorette parties because I’m pretty sure we both would have died hearing some of those answers! Luckily for me, it’s just my mom that now knows the “strangest place we’ve ever had sex”!!
And then before we even reached the best of the playlist, a full on dance party was happening right in the middle of my friends floor. Leave it to girls to always find their way dancing no matter where they are, hey?!
The last thing the bridal party had planned was for us to be picked up by a party bus when the clock struck twelve. I don’t know why party bus’s are so much fun, but they are, and they always seem to take a party up a notch (I blame the pole!). Unfortunately for me though, the party bus brought me down quite a few notches, and before I knew it, with only a few spins around the block, the bus was turning back around to bring the bachelorette home.

But I guess if there’s one night that you gotta be put to bed by your friends, I guess your bachelorette party would be the night! And as disappointed as I was the next day about having to go home early, Todd kept reminding me, “it’s all about the story”. And a great story we had…by all of us! Needless to say it was a good thing we had a few days to recover before the next festivity – the rehearsal party!The bachelorette party was another reminder just how lucky I am to have such a great group of friends! They all made me feel so special, and I’m so thankful they all came out to help me celebrate…and to also help put me to bed! My bridal party did such an awesome job planning this night. I was amazed when I walked into my friends house seeing all of the decorations and all of the little details they put into everything. It sure did feel like the best party setting ever!
One last thing, what about Todd and his party? Usually a bachelorette party does comes along with a bachelor party. Todd and his friends had their party the same day as us ladies, so there were multiple couples who were out for the count the entire weekend. While I don’t know all of the details from Todd’s bachelor party, I can leave you with this picture….
And that my friends would be my husband there in the middle!!
Until next time.
Looks like you had a blast! You look gorgeous in that white dress!