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Well, Hello there
I'm Renée!
Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I’m so glad you’re here!

Well, hi there, and happy Friday! It's Friday night, I'm curled up on the couch and looking outside at the snow storm that's happening. Can you believe it's March 24th and we're expected to get about 30+cm's of snow tonight and tomorrow? Even though the calendar is telling us it's officially spring, it is still full on winter here in...

I've thought long and hard about how to write this post. After all, I did have years to think about it! Almost 6 years, to be exact!! In all seriousness though, I've stared at this screen way longer than normal because where do I even start? How do you write and perfectly capture one of the best days of your life? That's quite the task,...

Friday Five
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope this week has been treating you good. At the beginning of this week I finally felt like I was getting over the cold I had from the previous week and then my voice decided to completely leave me. I'm happy to report that today it's finally feeling like it's coming back. Thank goodness! I didn't realize how much I...
I'm certainly going to be testing my memory over here trying to finish off these next few wedding posts. Sometimes I can remember what I wore ten years ago on a certain day, and other times I can't remember what I had for breakfast that morning. But I guess the saying "we don't remember days, we remember moments" is certainly true...

Last week we made the very spur of the moment decision to take an extra day off work and go skiing at Marble Mountain for a long weekend. The drive from St. John's to Marble Mountain on the west coast of Newfoundland is about 7 hours (with only quick minimum stops - I'm talking coffee, gas and pee breaks). Now, while most people would...

Another Reintroduction
After looking through my blog daily over the last month or so and thinking about how much I miss coming here, I realized it was time. Time to come back, time to start, once again! I've had more blogging hiatuses than I can count at this point, but here I am again....almost 5 years later. Wow, 5 years? Isn't it so strange looking back at different...