School’s Out For Summer

Dec 20, 2013

Please note:  If you still have a few days of work left then I’d advise you to skip right over this post so you don’t feel like a jelly belly.

Schooooooool’s out for summer.  

Not really, but it is close enough to that feeling because I’ve officially started my two week Christmas holidays.  I really, really, really wanna go crazy right now with the exclamation points, but I’ll settle for a boring, yet less annoying, period. 

Oh my goodness, if you wanted to see a happy girl then you should have seen me this afternoon leaving my office. With the singing, dancing and hugging that was going on, you’d swear we were all starring in our own musical, or maybe even one of those cheesy, Christmas TV movies.  Which, by the way, I love.  I have watched every single one of those cheesy, Christmas movies I could find over the last two weeks and I do not want to think about the time when they will no longer be on every single channel.

And, just like a kid patiently waiting for Christmas morning, this day was about as long as the other 364 days of the year rolled up into one. After the first fifteen minutes of work this morning I realized that I had already checked the clock five times.  I know I did it to myself, but I really couldn’t help it.  Big kid at heart, people.

Another way in which I’m still a big ol’ kid is that I still love getting surprises for Christmas. I’ve never been one of those kids who searched their house endlessly trying to find their gifts because, for me, it would ruin all of the fun. I’m not like a certain someone I know (ahem I’m looking at you, Todd), who was the sneakiest child on the planet and would unwrap and then re wrap his gifts so no one would know.  Nope, not me. My parents could have even placed my gifts on my own bed for Pete’s sake and I still wouldn’t have even peaked.


Even to this day, whenever someones asks me what I want for Christmas, unless I absolutely need something, then I will always say “surprise me”. 

Well, a few days ago I was surprised when I received a gift from the secret Santa gift exchange that was organized by one of my favourite bloggers, Kym from Travel Babbles.  Only for the fact that everyone was opening their gifts early and coming together in a link up reveal, my pretty little present would still be sitting under my tree.  

My secret Santa, Kayla, certainly knew the best way to my heart; a deliciously smelling candle, soap, chocolates and lots ‘o coffee. Yes, yes, yes, and YES!

Thank you so much Kayla for these wonderful goodies and for surprising me, I really appreciated it and  I loved them all.  Todd already has almost the full bag of chocolates gone, and I have already swiped the Tim Horton’s gift card to a balance of zero.  That gift card didn’t know what hit ’em. 

Well, I’m off to get these holidays started.  I think I see another Christmas movie in my future tonight. 

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky

    what a great SS gift!! i immediately zeroed in on that tim hortons card because i LOVE for timmys. way better than starbucks in my opinion (cue gasps all around).

    Vodka and Soda

  2. carly

    Yay! A long break is one of the best feelings! YUM! Tim Hortons! And I keep seeing that muddy buddy mix and wanting to try it out– looks so good!

  3. Stephanie

    Ok. I know, I KNOW you gave a warning. But I read it anyway. And now I'm really jealous. And also, I love that photo of you in front of the tree.

  4. Pleas(e) and Carrots

    Blahh you warned me and I didn't listen and I'm jealous! I can't believe you get 2 weeks off! I get 2.5 days for Christmas and 1 for New Years and that's it!

  5. Erica Jacquline

    I swear there is no better feeling than being off for Christmas Break! I already feel so much more relaxed! Have a great break!

  6. Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee

    There are no words for how jealous I am right now. 2 weeks off AND a bag of Muddy Buddies? I mean, save some good shit for the rest of us, would ya?!?! Today was my Monday… I'll be working through Christmas Eve. But then I get 5 days OFF… I can't WAIT!

  7. Becky M

    Such great gifts – I love the pic of you and the tree!

  8. Emilie

    What a great gift! Your tree is so nice!


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Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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