And to those who left me such sweet comments, I appreciated each and every one of them and I wanted you all to know that it truly meant a lot to me. Still blushing.
The night before I shared that post, I came up from downstairs after I finished writing it and, while I was sat on the arm of the couch next to Todd, I said, “I think I’m posting about my weight tomorrow and I’m a little nervous about it”. And over the next hour or two I continued to mumble something along those lines. Each time he reminded me, though, that there was no need to be nervous, but rather, to just be proud that I have a story like that to share.
And well, I’ll be damned. He was right (which, for the record, never happens), because you all reassured me that it was worth sharing. Even if it meant digging up those old photos again and having to broadcast that old scale number, it was still worth it. You continue to amaze me, blog community.
Speaking of amazing.
At the end of the summer I talked about taping my mouth shut, but there was no duct tape to be found anywhere, and unfortunately, no one else did it for me either. We all know now what can happen when we I slack. It does worry me, though, because with Christmas right around the corner, we all usually have a tendency during that time to get even more off track. Am I right, or am I right?
So, with that said, there’s going to be some progress updates peaking it’s healthy face around this part of the internet for a little while. The normal portion of the program will continue, but just expect some sporadic meal and gym tracking, and some motivational quotes from pinterest (because they are definitely a necessity).
And who knows, you may even get to see a gym selfie thrown in the mix.
Because we all love those, too.
Well, I’m off to download some great workout tunes, boil some chicken breast, wipe the dust from my gym card, and vacuum the cats hair out of my gym bag. Gee, sounds like a workout in itself.
I would love to hear if anyone else is trying to get more motivated before the Holidays!

You go girl! Feel free to share healthy recipes too! 😀
I am all about not gaining weight over the holidays! I will hopefully be working out hard enough to earn a treat or two but no more. You got this girl!
Aw, your moms message is so great.
Can't wait to hear updates and learn more about your gym routines!
First of all so proud of you! Second of all I want to hug you. Third of all YOU CAN DO THIS. Fourth "of all?" you are gorgeous inside and out. Fifth "of all" I want your kitty. The end.