Who Peed In Everyone’s Cereal This Week?

Oct 23, 2013

Have you ever had one of those days or weeks where it seems that anyone and everyone you cross paths with is in such a terrible mood?  Well, I happen to be experiencing that this week and I honestly can’t figure out if it’s just a big ole coincidence, or if someone out there in the city has actually peed in everyone’s morning cereal?  I’m starting to think that it has to be the second one, because since I’ve been in (or was in) a pretty good mood, it has to come down to the fact that I don’t eat cereal for breakfast.

In all seriousness, though, I’ve had strangers slam doors in my face and I’ve had others who don’t even batter an eye lash, let alone utter so much as a thank you, while I patiently stand at the entrance for thirty seconds holding the door open for them.

The majority of my co-workers have put their heads down as they pass me in the hallway or the lunch room making me feel like I’m imaginary, and even the ones I’m close with just seem really “off”.  Drivers seem more irritable and impatient than normal, and a little thing known as customer service seems to have completely disappeared.

Even my morning coffee routine has been less than enjoyable.  I mean, when I get my coffee I don’t expect any chit chat, but I do expect a “hello”, or at the very least, the basic “that will be $1.70”. But, when they just stand there, staring at me with such a crooked face waiting for me to pay and then slide my coffee across the counter without saying anything, well that just makes me want to hand my coffee back over and tell them that they obviously need it more than me. 

I try not to let little things like that bring me down, but sometimes I find I can’t help it.  Like did I really deserve getting the finger yesterday afternoon as you flew past me because I didn’t see the light turn green right away?

How many times have you started your day off feeling pretty great, when all of a sudden it started to go downhill after interacting with someone who was in a bad mood?

You know, I truly believe that our moods are contagious. I believe that you can lift someone up just as quickly as you can bring them down. I believe that a small gesture can instantly brighten someones day, while an act of rudeness can quickly morph others into a state of unhappiness. We all have the ability to change someones mood, and when I actually stop and think about that, it’s both pretty amazing and pretty powerful.  We all have a choice, and it’s completely and entirely up to us. 

Now, I don’t want to give anyone a false impression around here because I don’t always prance around with a smile on my face, and believe me when I say that sometimes I would rather smack someone than actually be nice to them. But I always, always, always try to be pleasant and courteous to others and have consideration for them, regardless of the kind of day or week it is that I’m having.  In fact, I’ve never really understood because I’ve always felt like it actually requires more effort to be rude to someone than to actually be nice to them.
So, with that said, if there’s anything you take away from all of this today, it’s that it never hurts anyone to smile a little more and it’s probably best to stay away from eating cereal for a few days.  Okay? 

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  1. Alex[andra]

    I totally agree with you. I've had days like that too and they bring me down. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and everyone won't seem to be in such a bad mood. Just keep smiling. 🙂

  2. Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often

    My favorite quote EVER is "Who ate your bowl of Sunshine this morning, thundercloud?" It makes me laugh every time!! It is true that happiness rubs off and people should use it more often! Though i know that sometimes when I have a bad day it isn't pretty!

  3. Jessica Hobin

    haha sometimes I feel like this too. Maybe its the colder weather? Who knows. All I know is that even when I'm in a horrible mood, I'm paid to be smiley to people and I will do it anyways. It won't ruin your already-crappy day to say thank-you to a bus driver or hold the door for people, either. Sometimes we lose sight of what counts, I guess!

  4. Pleas(e) and Carrots

    Yuck I am sorry that everyone is being so crappy this week! I hope things look up!! 🙂

  5. Nancy

    lol at the peeing in cereal. Everyone is crabby around me too. I think it's because of the cold weather. Just smile at the miserable people and maybe they'll realize they are being crabby and to snap out of it.

  6. Anonymous

    I was in a GREAT mood Monday until late afternoon. I simply asked a question that had no attitude behind it and was just a basis work question to a co-worker and apparently that meant I was "throwing a tantrum". I wanted to say so badly Wowww B you have a good rest of the day bc you just pissed me the eff off!!!

    Oh and I absolutely can't stand when you are buying something and they don't tell you the total. I want to scream DO YOUR JOB!!!!

  7. Stephanie

    I think it's the changing seasons. At least here in Chicago it is, it all of the sudden got slammed with cold and everyone soured immediately.

  8. The Peanut Program

    ive been experiencing this also. i'm not exactly sure what is going on but its so frustrating! people are just rude and i think its more "normal" to be jerky than it is to be nice and friendly. its a rare find when you get some stranger smiling at you when you walk. its sad.

  9. Becky M

    Boo! That makes the week no fun! I believe moods are contagious too!


  10. Sarah

    Not a fun week for you. I'm hoping tomorrow is better and more cheerful!

  11. Kym Fox

    Le sigh .. I've been in such a no good, awful, very bad mood this week too!! Your 7th paragraph above the image is so beautiful Renee…that you for the wonderful reminder! Both happiness and pissiness take work … but it's so much more pleasant to be a nice person, and what goes around comes around…what you send out into the world comes right back to you. Here's to a better rest of the week! xoxo

  12. The Lady Okie

    So true! Good words. I love your attitude, and hopefully the rest of the week goes better for you!

  13. J

    I couldn't possibly agree more! I've never understood how people can actually be rude to others based on their own emotions or the kind of day they're having. Being polite is just so much easier and less embarrassing! I hope tomorrow is a more cheerful day.


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Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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