You Wanna Get To Know Me Better?

Nov 28, 2013

First of all, happy Thanksgiving to my American friends.  I hope your day is filled with thankfulness, family, and of course, yummy turkey. You’re totally forgiven if you’ve eaten way too much and can’t move from the couch to read the rest of this post. You will not be forgiven, though, if you do not send some of that deliciousness to Canada right this instant.
So, I mentioned yesterday that I’ve been feeling extremely unorganized lately.  Like all over the place. Having a memory on me like a goldfish hasn’t exactly been helping the situation either. Among one of the many things that has recently entered and exited my brain has been the fact that this little blog of mine has been nominated for a Liebster Award over the last month.  And not once, but twice. Twice!  Did I mention that I have a memory like a goldfish? If only I had bought those planners earlier, I wouldn’t have had to admit just now how tiny my brain is.

A huge thanks to Jenn from Life Begins With J and Gina from Gina’s Agenda. Don’t be afraid to stalk these ladies like crazy, okay? I do it all the time!
How it works:
1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions that the nominator asked you
3. List 11 facts about yourself
4. Nominate 5 blogs with under 3,000 followers
5. Ask 11 questions for your nominees to answers

The slacker is also going to be a cheater because I am combining the questions from each of them to get my total of 11 questions.  As much as I love to talk about my myself sometimes, I figured 22 questions would be impossible for you all to get through in your turkey comas right now.

1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Hands down, Italy.  For the last three years I’ve dreamed about going, and I’m hoping one day soon I’ll finally get to act like a complete tourist and experience everything that I’ve googled and read about.

2. What is your favourite tv show?

Is it bad if I can’t pick one?  How about a top three?  Friends, One Tree Hill, and Sexy And The City. They are probably the three most unrelated shows ever, but I’ve seriously watched them all a gazillion times each. And if I had to do a top five, Entourage and Grey’s Anatomy would be included too.  Did I mention that I’m extremely indecisive?

3. What is your biggest fear?

Someone close to me dying.  I know that sounds a little deep and it’s probably not what you want to hear while you’re surrounded by your family and friends today, but it’s true, it’s my all time biggest fear. So make sure you hold those people close to you a little tighter today, okay?

4. What is your favourite hobby?

Blogging!!  I never really had a hobby before, so I’m so happy that I do now. This is my place where I can come any time I want and spend as little or as much time as I want here. It’s great!  I did try scrap booking once a few years back and it lasted for about three weeks, so I’m hoping this one stays around much, much longer.

5. What is your favourite family tradition?

Growing up, it was going camping every year. Every August we would spend a week or more at a park not too far from our home, where we would just spend some great time together. One year we even brought my hamsters along for the trip, and when we got back to our trailer, one of them had escaped their cage and was greeting us through the window. I’ll never forget that.
Now it’s Christmas time because with my sister living away, our whole family can usually only get together a couple of times during the year, one which happens to be Christmas. At least one of those nights over Christmas, we play a (competitive) game of poker, with my dad making sure that our drinks are never empty and that there’s always crab and shrimp right in front of us. It’s probably my favourite night of the entire year!

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
5 years?  Gesh, that’s tough!  Maybe by then the baby fever will have striked and I could have my own addition to our family.  Who knows, but it’s definitely exciting to think about it.

7. What is your favourite social media site?
I was really late hopping on the Twitter train, but it’s definitely my favourite right now. 

8. What is your favourite type of blog post to read and/or write?
Another tough one.  I love reading fashion blogs but it always makes me want to spend too much money. I also love reading lifestyle blogs, especially ones where I feel like I can really relate to the people writing them.  And then, it doesn’t really matter what they write about.

9. What is your favourite food?
Chips, chips, and more chips.  Did I mention chips?  

10. What is your favourite hot drink?
If you’ve been around these neck of the woods before, you know it’s coffee because it’s all I talk about. But besides coffee, there really isn’t any other hot drink that I love.

11. What do you like best about where you live?
Definitely the weather. Bahaha!  I kid, I kid. That would be my least favourite thing.  There’s so many things that I love about Newfoundland but my favourite would be the beautiful, rugged coastlines we have here.  It’s definitely one of a kind.

East Coast Trail, St. John’s, Newfoundland
11 random facts about me: 

I can’t go to bed without chugging back a glass of water first.

The time showing on my alarm clock is a half hour faster than actual time. That way, when it goes off in the morning I get the biggest fright of my life because I think I’m running late. Surprisingly, some mornings I still forget that I have this done and I hop out of my bed like it’s on fire.

I love snacking on dry cheerios with coffee. Strange, I know, but you should try it because it’s the best combination ever.

I can’t eat french fries without dipping sauce; cherry sauce, or chipotle mayo, or something.

I would give someone I care about anything that I own, and I mean anything. Unless it’s my coffee. I’m sorry, then you’re on your own.

I have a bald spot on the back of my head. Don’t worry, I’m not hairless or anything back there, it’s just a teeny tiny birth mark.

Although it’s been so long since I’ve made it, I’ve been told that I make the best kraft dinner. See, I told you my cooking skills wasn’t too far off from boiling water.

I’ve also been told that I can be sensitive. I guess I’ll let my boss answer that one after I cried in front of her last year.  Woopsie!

Every single time I try and say sushi, it comes out as susie (with an emphasis on the middle s). It’s become one of those things where I have to concentrate so hard now to actually say it right.

I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket before. For the love of god, please touch some wood for me.

Twenty years from now I know that I will still remember the lyrics to Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi.


  1. Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky

    oh, lovely chips….i miss you so much.

    i haven't had chips in about 2 years and i miss the party in my mouth when i eat them. my fav is sour cream and onion!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. Unknown

    i've never gotten a speeding ticket either!! wooo. go us! (knock on wood). also, i can't wait to visit italy. it's on my list! happy thanksgiving!!

  3. Gina's Agenda

    Thanks for answering my questions. I love the pics. My family and I use to go camping as well. Fun.

  4. Becky M

    Loved reading your answers! Congrats!

  5. J

    I would love to go to Italy! I would also love to go to Newfoundland 🙂
    And that's too funny about sushi…I do the same thing with the "poutine"…I always say "POO-tine", which gets me made fun of every time.

  6. Mary @ Eat Drink and Be Mary

    Loved getting to know you a little better!! I too am obsessed with Friends and Greys Anatomy. Ps. I changed my blog name from lipstick and lattes to

  7. Anonymous

    STOPPP!!! My birthmark is on the back of my head also & there is a little bald spot surrounding it! I have never known anyone else to have their birthmark on their head!

    Oh and cherry sauce on fries?? I have never heard of such a thing.


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Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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