Almost Celebration Time

It's Friday!  Do you know what's better than Friday?  Long weekends!  And do you know what's even better than long weekends?  When your birthday happens to fall on a long weekend. Yep, on Monday I will be celebrating my 28th birthday.  I'm...

A Quick Stroll Through A Few Provinces

Alert!  Alert!  Picture overload! We have only been back two days from our mini vacay, and I'm already thinking about where we should go next.  Um, is that bad?  Although our trip was short, we enjoyed every second of it, minus the...

2 Girls, A Wedding And Lots of Love

I was so fortunate this weekend to be a part of probably one of the most touching things I have ever experienced; my friends same-sex wedding.  And from what I could tell, I wasn't the only one who noticed first hand how special this moment was....

Take A Walk With Us

Yeah, so remember how I thought I was going to be working late every night this week?  Well I think someone up in blog heaven happened to read yesterday's post about me complaining and decided to cut me some slack! Suhhweet! I ended up having the...

My Summer Accomplishment

Just a few weeks ago I scratched off one of the items on my to-do list, and that was to run the Tely 10.  The Tely 10 is a 10 mile (16K) road race that takes place in St. John's every year at the end of July.   Todd and I signed up for...

I Guess This Is It….

Well hello everyone.  This is it, my very first post! I guess you could call me, as the blog community calls it, one of those "non-blogging bloggers". For as long as I can remember my Saturday morning routine has always consisted of lots of coffee...

Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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