Yeah, so remember how I thought I was going to be working late every night this week?  Well I think someone up in blog heaven happened to read yesterday’s post about me complaining and decided to cut me some slack! Suhhweet!

I ended up having the evening free and since I’m new around here, I figured why not take the camera along on our family outing so you could join us!

 Our (almost) 8 month old girl, Charley, who you will be seeing a lot of around here.
 We still have to practice her leash walking. She’s getting extra good at dragging her momma as she continues to grow.
I don’t know how she managed to stand still for any of these pictures (we think it was because she knew she was going to be featured on here)

Well aren’t you two just the cutest!

This was the first time that Charley didn’t want to go swimming with the ducks (again, she was trying to put on a good show)

 How’m I doing with my first blogging pose? 
 Love bug selfies!
I won’t be around these neck of the woods for a few days because I’m heading out of the province for my friends wedding.  Is it weird that I think I’m gonna miss this whole blogging thing while I’m gone?  I guess it’s not hard to tell that I have newbie written all over my face!!