My Very Fist Pumpkin Carving

What better day to showcase my very first pumpkin carving then today, on Halloween.   A couple of nights ago I figured it was time to take all of those pumpkins I had sitting on our front step, which if you remember from here was quite a few, and...

Someday I Will…

When someone like Taylor (I don't know why I just said someone like Taylor, because it actually is Taylor and not her fake self that she talked about here) hosts a first time (I think) link-up, you could bet that I would be joining. I mean, I don't...

Some Pretty And Not So Pretty Sights

Okay, the weekend recap. Where shall I start? I guess I'll bring you back to five o'clock on Friday.  It was my co-workers last day of work, so the plan of meeting downtown for some drinks had been in the works for a couple of days.  Todd wasn't home Friday...

Best Tweet Ever/ Five on Friday

Happy Friday, lovelies!  I hope this week has been extra good to you all.  Despite ranting here a couple of days ago about how it seemed that everyone was in such a piss poor mood, I managed to get over it all and have a great week. Even...

Happy Feet Can Only Mean New Boots

One of my favourite things about fall is buying new boots (who's with me on that?), but what's even better is that I feel like I can actually justify buying them.  I mean, no one would ever want my feet to get cold, right?  That's been my story and I'm...

Who Peed In Everyone’s Cereal This Week?

Have you ever had one of those days or weeks where it seems that anyone and everyone you cross paths with is in such a terrible mood?  Well, I happen to be experiencing that this week and I honestly can't figure out if it's just a big ole coincidence, or if...

Recipe// Creamy Apple Dip

You know, there's just some things in this world that I will not do and eating an apple without this dip has recently become of one those things.  I know it sounds funny, but I swear it's true.  If I don't have the ingredients to make this dip then I don't...

I Have My Pumpkin, Now What?

No, not that tiny thing.  Well that's a lie, I did take this little guy home with me because he was just too cute not to, but I also got a few others that were much bigger because the word on the street is that I have to do something with these pumpkins...

The Closest To Being In A Magazine/ Five on Friday

Ohhhh Friday, we meet again! Despite having to work the Thanksgiving holiday and not having a short work week, this week just flew by. I seriously can't believe it's Friday, and guess what? I don't mind it at all! Here are some things that stood out to me this...

Renee. Yup, That’s My Name!

   When I first saw that Jessica, Miranda, and Kelli were doing a link up that revolved around your name, my initital thought was that I probably wasn't going to join because there was nothing that special about the name Renée, especially not enough to...

Meet Renée

Well, hello there! I'm Renée. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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