When someone like Taylor (I don’t know why I just said someone like Taylor, because it actually is Taylor and not her fake self that she talked about here) hosts a first time (I think) link-up, you could bet that I would be joining. I mean, I don’t want to be the only kid not going to this party she’s hosting because you know it’s going to be a good one.  And thankfully there were no invitations, because I would hate to be stuck home on a Friday night and then have to hear about this party at school on Monday all.day.long.  So yeah, back to the link up. Of course I wanted to join. It also had nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with a little thing called bloggers block. I’m a little glad you can’t see my facial expression right now.  So here we go…..

Someday I will learn to spread out watching an entire TV series over (at least) a week, instead of plowing through it in a day or two and then get so disappointed because it’s all over and I have nothing else to watch, like I normally do. 


Someday I will realize that there are other food groups besides chips.

Someday I will feel confident in a bikini (or at least medicate myself enough to feel confident in one).



Someday I will save enough money to surprise my parents with a trip or do something really special for them.


Someday I will realize that when I get home from work, it’s okay if I stay in my work clothes. And if I do want to change into something more comfortable, someday I will realize it doesn’t always have to be pajamas.


Someday I will travel to Italy and eat nothing but pizza and gelatos.



Someday I will stop playing the petrifying game of ‘lets see how long I can drive around on my gas light before I break down’.


Someday I will stop procrastinating. And luckily this starts off with someday and not today…phew!!!


Someday I will learn how to spell procrastinating, and not have to use google as my spell check.


Someday I will train Charley to do really amazing things like to not eat the treat that’s placed on her nose until I give her a command. Or, you know, even train her to not jump up on counters, not pull her momma when we walk together, or at the very least to “stay” so I can get some decent pictures.  Dream big Renee, dream big.

Someday I will actually hear my alarm clock go off (at least after a half hour), so that way if the smoke detector ever happens to go off, I will hopefully have a small chance to escape before I burn in my bed (which is what would definitely happen now).


Someday I will teach everyone that the toilet paper roll goes on this way, and someday I will convince Todd that if it’s all gone, it means another one has to go back.


Someday I will print off all of my pictures to put them in photo albums, and then someday I will get a piece built on to my house so I have a place to store them all.


Someday I will be brave enough to chop off my hair.  Shoulder length that is. I want to be brave, not crazy.

Someday I will have a shoe closet like Carrie Bradshaw, but for now I’m happy to imitate her the best I can.


But more importantly……

Someday I will actually figure out what my dreams are.

Someday I will follow those dreams and not stop until I reach them.

Someday I will find my place in this world and know, without a doubt, who I am.

And someday I will realize that I should not wait for some day, but start doing all of this today.


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