And He’s Off

Jul 3, 2014

I’m not too sure what time you’ll be reading this, but right now, it’s not even 5 o’clock in the morning and I’m already sat in front of my computer writing this. There’s something about goodbyes at the airport that leaves you unable to crawl into bed and fall quickly back to sleep for an hour before you have to get up for work, and then there’s another something about not having a whole lot else to do at 5 o’clock in the morning. 
Todd left this morning for a new job, pretty much on the opposite side of the country, and while we’ve known for a few weeks that he’d be leaving today, the whole leaving today part still kind of sucks. Luckily, he’ll be on a schedule where he’ll only work for two weeks and then fly back home for another week, so it’s really nice to know my countdown doesn’t surpass fourteen days each time.
Although Todd’s worked away from home before and although I know from experience just how quickly my little miss independent attitude will kick in, it still feels strange because, besides the missing him a lot part, I know our life’s about to change a little bit for a while. Life kind of becomes a little more planned as you’re constantly having to look at the calendar to figure out what days of the month he’ll be home again, wondering if you both can attend the wedding you’ve been invited to, or the surprise party for a friend you’ve known about for a while, or the camping trip your friends have already asked you to do over the summer, or whether or not he’ll be home to help you celebrate your birthday. The dinners, the movies, the hikes, and all of the other normal day to day activities quickly gets squeezed into that one week together. There’s also some thoughts of not knowing how you’re going to handle a hyperactive puppy all by yourself. Or is that just me?
So yeah, right now, it feels a little strange. I will say that knowing he was leaving made us enjoy the Canada Day holiday yesterday even that much more. We woke up early, packed up some things, grabbed Charley, and drove out of the city, stopping at the first spot we found with a lake and a place for us to lay out a blanket. 

We figured we couldn’t let the holiday go by without doing the one thing that makes a summer holiday official…barbecuing. So, after filling our bellies, we changed into some red and white colours and then headed out to his brothers where they had their entire street blocked off for the whole day and night for some holiday activities.

***Update: It’s now actually 10 o’clock at night and I’m only getting around to publishing this post. I’m falling asleep as we speak so I’m thinking I should have tried a little harder to get that extra hour of sleep this morning instead of blogging. Ooopps! Or at least re-read this to catch any sleep deprived mistakes! Oh well, I don’t have a certain someone in the bed tonight keeping me up with the tv on so I shouldn’t have any problems in the sleep department! πŸ˜‰ 
I hope all my fellow Canadians had a great holiday yesterday!!
Ps: Can you believe it’s July already?!?

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  1. Tracy

    How long will he be on that schedule? My husband and I are going to be apart for a month starting Sunday (we might see each other for about a week sometime during the month), and starting next month we'll be apart for 1 week every month for the next 2 years. I'm already dreading it πŸ™

  2. Carly

    Menchies! Yours looks delicious! Loving your Canada Day shirt as well! And you and Todd are the cutest ever! I hope his weeks away go by quickly!

  3. LesleyEpstein

    Boooo for new jobs that are too far away!! Here's a genius idea…use one of his weeks to come to TO to visit your sister and nephews!! Brilliant!!!!

  4. K @ Keeping Up With K...

    I totally bought a shirt for Canada Day from Old Navy and then forgot to wear it #fail

    I love your attitude about the distance – you're so positive! What province will he be working in now?

  5. Holly

    That sounds like some major adjusting with him gone for two weeks at a time. You have a great positive attitude about it though, so hopefully however long it has to be this way will go quickly for you!

  6. Anonymous

    love the pictures of Charley enjoying the water πŸ™‚ I wish Coco liked the water.
    Glad you guys were able to spend the holiday together before he left. Looks like a good time.

  7. Heather @ The Maritime Reader

    Aww sorry to hear about the long-distance changes but I hope it goes OK! I can see the puppy duties being difficult on your own, but it is great to hear you feeling positive about it. Is he out in Alberta now? (obviously somewhere out west – I guess that's how it goes sometimes!)
    Love your Canada Day shirt and pics πŸ™‚ Hope you had a great holiday!!

  8. Mar Ward

    Happy belated Canada day! So, does this mean you're moving closer to Toronto potentially?!
    ps. I know I may be behind, but love the new layout.

  9. The Lady Okie

    Happy Canada Day! Belated πŸ™‚ Sounds like a great new adventure, but it will be hard not having him around all the time, I'm sure. Jordan and I don't do well when we're long distance.

  10. Alex @ she's his co-pilot

    Aw, it kind of sounds like we're in the same situation. But at least you can look forward to seeing him again soon! I've been without Andrew for about 6 weeks now. 6 weeks with a teething puppy who has hit her rebellious stage. Some days are hard but for the most part, time flies by (especially with the puppy) and you can't believe how easy its been. That's probably just because we're independent women though who can get through times like this πŸ™‚


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Meet RenΓ©e

Well, hello there! I'm RenΓ©e. Cost controller by day, (unpaid) dog walker by night, and full time traveler by day dreams. This is my place to share a little of my life and even more of my ramblings. I'm so glad you're here!



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