Before I had this space of my own, I was what you would call a non-blogging blogger. As soon as my eyes would open on a Saturday morning, I would immediately jump out of bed, make buy myself a large coffee, grab my laptop and dig in on my favourite reads from the week. It was something that I looked forward to, and it’s kind of embarrassing to admit just how much joy and entertainment it brought me every single weekend.   

At the time, I didn’t know how to comment or how to “follow” certain blogs, and the only way I kept track of new ones I found was either by adding their blog name in my notes or taking a picture of their blog with my phone so that I could google it later. They had no knowledge whatsoever that I was following along with them in their journey, or that I was even cheering them on when their blog hit certain milestones. Shout out to my firsts- Katie, Stephanie, Whitney, Erin, Veronika, and Amanda!

I guess it was only a matter of time before I decided to see if that same joy and entertainment could be found in creating a blog of my own. And let me tell you, it was love at first…post (despite the hundred million times I wanted to throw my computer across the room because I couldn’t figure out any of the “behind the scenes” mumbo jumbo).

With every hit of that publish button, I would immediately scramble to find my new number for my total amount of posts.Why? Because I couldn’t wait for this blog to hit it’s very first baby milestone of it’s own; the 100th post. Well, as it turns out, this is my 101st blog post, which means that I’ve officially hit the 100 mark. While some have probably gotten here a lot quicker than I have, you can bet your bottom dollar that I am just happy to have gotten here….now.

Looking back as a non-blogging blogger, I never fully realized just how much time, thoughts, memories and, let’s not forget, randomness that goes into blogging. It really ain’t easy, and I’m sure I haven’t experienced the half of it, you know, since the blog is still just lying on the floor trying to learn how to crawl.

With that said, I knew the day I ordered this shirt from Whitney I wanted to write a post dedicated entirely to why I “blog so hard”. Why do I come here daily? Why do I take the time to share those memories, thoughts, and randomness? Why do I come here and actually care about what it is that I’m filling this white space with?  

And what better day to share those answers than today, on my 100th 101st post.

I do it for the memories.

This was the main, and in fact only, reason why I started this blog in the first place. While other factors have since contributed, this continues to be the number one reason for me. Ever since I was a little girl, I loved it when my dad would break out the video camera, and it wasn’t just so I could dance around and act like a fool , it was because I loved knowing that one day I could look back and see me acting like that fool be instantly reminded of that particular day- one that I probably would have had no recollection of otherwise. This has become a place where I can share anything from a random weekend to a significant moment in life, and it’s great to know that I can come here anytime and bring those memories back to life.

I do it for the interaction.

I never fully understood what all those bloggers were raving about before; the blogging community. That was, until I received my very first comment. Over time that one little comment turned into talking with so many others on a daily basis, which turned into realizing that there are people out there who you’ve never met that can actually make your day a little more brighter every time you hear from them. So from the bottom of my heart, I thank each one of you who have helped make those days brighter.

I do it because along the way I’m learning more about myself.

I’m not exactly sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way I learned that I actually enjoy writing. Who knew?  You know, I may not be the best writer, or the best photographer, or have the nicest clothes, or (definitely not) the best cooking skills, but every single time I come here I am realizing that I still have something of my own to offer. And it’s worth sharing.

I do it to get out of my comfort zone.

It’s a big step broadcasting yourself all over the internet. Sure, I may not be dishing out my darkest, dirtiest secrets, but whenever you put anything out there, you’re opening yourself up to criticism, judgment, and even feelings of not being good enough. Day by day I’m gaining confidence because I’m doing something that is a little outside of my comfort zone and trying something that I hesitated to do for years.

I do it to push myself.

I know it may seem strange, but this place makes me want to do better things. I want to be that better writer, I want to learn how to use my camera, I want to actually start cooking more, and I want to buy all of those handbags so I can come here and write a blog post about them. Apparently I’m getting off track here. But in all seriousness, while some may see that as me wanting to be someone I’m not, I see it as me wanting to be the best possible version of myself. I said it a few times here before and I’ll say it again, I do not want to coast through my life. I want to experience as much as I can, and I honestly believe that for the first time since I can remember, I’m starting to feel a little push. And it’s all because of this space.

So although I don’t have thousands of followers, or thousands of page views, or even if I don’t broadcast this blog to everyone I know, you better believe how proud I am of this place and just how much joy and entertainment it brings me. And I guess at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. 

Happy lil’ milestone, blog!

Tell me, why do you “blog so hard?”