I’m jumping right to it today because 1) it’s actually Thursday night and wayyy past my bedtime right now which means if I don’t hurry, a sheer sense of panic will creep up any second now and 2) I never know how to start these Friday posts off soooooo here we go:
ONE// We went to see the movie Sex Tape tonight (err, I mean “last night”) and, while I wouldn’t say it was the best movie ever, it was still a fun watch, especially since I love both Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz. You wanna know what else I love? Theatre goodies! I know they’re ridiculously priced, but it’s one of my favourite things about going to a movie. Fun fact about me: I hate the idea of doing a dinner and a movie because I’m usually so stuffed from dinner that I can’t eat at the theatre. Um, yeah, me no likey!
TWO// A couple of weeks ago we bought a patio set and it was such a good decision. Now, while I wish I could say that I wake up early in the mornings, make myself a coffee, and spend a half hour sitting out there with my laptop before I have to get ready for work, we all know by now that doesn’t happen with this girl. But, I have spent a lot of time out there in the evenings lately, trying to escape my sauna of a house, and it has been so nice.  

THREE// Since it has been so hot outside, we decided to buy Charley a pool. Yes, her very own swimming pool. Go ahead and call us crazy, but it was the best twenty dollars we ever spent. The poor thing has been so uncomfortable and, besides, how cute does she look just dipping her feet paws in? For anyone who’s thinking about doing the same, maybe I should mention that it’s probably best if you take the water out at night so your pup doesn’t decide to go for a late night dip when you’re already in bed. Not that I’ve learned this from experience once (or twice) before.

FOUR// I’m trying to hop on the iced coffee bandwagon lately and, each time I try it, I’m not hating it quite as much. Coffee was an acquired taste for me, so I’m hoping this will be too because sometimes you just need a little caffeine fix that’s cold and refreshing and that’s not a bajillion calories and that doesn’t cause you to melt even more.

FIVE// I’m teaming up with some great ladies today for a giveaway and I’d love for you all to enter for a chance to win $100 to StubHub. I once won a Starbucks gift card through a giveaway and I thought it was the best day ever. Can you imagine my excitement for $100?

Alrighty, well I’m off! Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Linking up here for Oh Hey Friday and here for High Five For Friday