Happy Friday guys! Since I didn’t get around to posting what I wanted to get posted this week (why do organizing and uploading pictures take forever? Ugh!), I thought I’d share some random thoughts with you. I figured it’s a great way to just kind of spit out whatever I have on my mind and then be on my merry little way. Perfect for a Friday, right? Right.

-Starting with the most obvious for a Friday, I’m really looking forward to this weekend. The last few weekends have been kind of (okay, really) low key, so I’m excited for a fun filled couple of days. 

-I changed the domain of this blog so that it now matches the actual name, and I seriously hope I never have to do that again because holy work. Hopefully someone is reading this right now because that would mean I didn’t royally screw this blog up! Boy, the technical stuff of blogging is really no joke. 
-I’ve been thinking about Halloween costumes all week, and I think I’ve finally come up with something. Now I just have to figure out what I’m doing for Halloween so I can actually implement those ideas. I probably should have started with that part first, hey?
-Speaking of Halloween, I watched this video the other day where Ellen scares people on her show and I thought I would share it in case you haven’t seen it yet. I would literally have a heart attack and crap my pants all at the same time if I were one of those people. Fact: I hate, hate, hate to be scared.

-It was only the day after I published my last post that I got on Sephoras website looking at more eyeshadow palettes. What is wrong with me? I’m not going to buy one anytime soon but, seriously, what is wrong with me?
-I’ve been thinking about taking supplements to see if it can help with my hair because it is the driest and most damaged it’s ever been. Has anyone had any experience in this department? Does it even work? I’d love some recommendations!

-Favourite blog posts that I’ve read this week:

Jillian Harris’s baby’s birth story– I’ve always loved Jillian, but after her sharing Leo’s birth story and that picture of her at the hospital, it makes me want to be her BFF even more now.

Jordan’s 10 Personal Commandments. I’m not sure if I was in need of having a self-help moment when I read this post, but I really enjoyed her points and I felt like I could relate to a lot of them (and I’m pretty sure you could too). My favourite things she said were:

“Life is too short to waste time around people who don’t understand your brand of wonderful”

“I’ve stopped trying to be the best and it’s liberating. I can be a beginner. I can be bad at something but still enjoy it. I can start something new and I can abandon something I hate”.

That’s it for today! Enjoy your weekend!

Until next time.