It’s Wednesday everyone, which means that we’re half way through the work week (wahoo!!).  For me, it also means that it’s the day that Todd returns home for a full week (double wahoo!!). If you remember from this post, it’s just been me, myself, and I over the last couple of weeks (ah, I think I just heard my cat and dog screaming, “what about us?”) because Todd has a new job working on the opposite side of the country.
So, how have I been doing while he’s been gone you ask (just humour me and pretend that you actually asked that question, okay)? It’s funny because the moment I found out he would be leaving, I quickly imagined all of this enormous amount of free time I was going to have, and all of the things that I was going to do to fill that time. For starters, I figured this blog here would be bombarded with new posts, but as you can see from the archives, that obviously didn’t happen which, again, makes me go back to the same question I’ve been asking myself from the very beginning, “how in the world do people blog every day?”. I just don’t get it! 
But anywho, to answer your question (you’re still playing along, right?), I’ve been kept busy and these last two weeks have flown by. I’ve enjoyed having some “me” time and my house has never been as clean for so many consecutive days before. It’s seriously so much easier to have a clean house with only one person messing it up. Wait, I hear my dog screaming “what about me?” again. Another valid point!  Speaking of Charley, I was so looking forward to having some room in the bed over these last few weeks, but every single morning I’ve woken to her still sleeping on top of my head. She can pick any spot in the bed, but yet she still chooses to squat my hair and breathe heavy on my face. Another thing I’m noticing about living by yourself is how much more you can cram into your day. One day when I got home from work, I went for a run, took Charley on a hike for over an hour, cooked dinner (I guess you can call frying eggs cooking dinner), quickly tidied up, wrote a blog post, and squeezed in a few minutes of tv….all before 10 o’clock. I didn’t even realize it was possible to do all of that in a few hours, but apparently it is.
But, regardless of all of that, I am really anxious to see him today and I honestly wouldn’t want to go any longer without him not being home. Not to get all mushy here, but sometimes you take for granted or you don’t even realize that it’s the little things that makes your day a whole lot better by having that person around. Like talking about how your day went over dinner (and an actual dinner at that, and not just eggs), or having someone to cuddle and say goodnight to at night, or laughing hysterically with someone as you binge watch How I Met Your Mother.  It really is the little things and I’m excited to get them all back today for a little while. And while the (semi?) long distance part has a lot of disadvantages, I will say that this part today right now is feeling pretty great!

It’s a great Wednesday, for sure! 


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