It’s a really, really, really exciting day over here today because we just got a brand new look. What do you guys think? Please tell me you love it as much as I do! There’s something so refreshing about a new blog design. It’s kind of like when you buy yourself a new pair of shoes; the outfit that’s been hanging in your closet for years and years suddenly becomes so new and exciting again, just by simply adding a new pair of heels.

If you’re wondering who helped me pick out my new shoes was responsible for this new design, it was the lovely Jana from Jana Tolman Design. I honestly can not say enough about how talented and patient this girl is. I usually know what I like, but not until it’s directly staring at me in the face. So, you can imagine how difficult it was for Jana to come up with something that I would love, without me actually telling her what it is that I love in the first place. But, she did it, and I honestly couldn’t love it more!

Okay, well I’m off to admire this new design some more. Have a great day, everyone!

One more thing, have I ever mentioned just how addicting buying shoes can be? It’s a good thing I can’t make them myself because I’d have a brand new pair everyday. 😉


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