Right now I just had to take my hair down and reapply some makeup so I could have a picture for this post. I figured we all love visuals, but I’m sorry it had to be one of me doing absolutely nothing.

Right now I’m just getting home from work and instead of trying to scratch off one of the million tasks I have left to do, I decided to plank my butt on the couch and come here instead. I guess I’ll take that as another reminder of how fun blogging is, because fun things will usually always take priority over any type of productiveness with me.

Right now I have a 55+ pound dog who is either a) trying to sit on my lap or b) trying to write a blog post of her own. Someday Charley, someday.

Right now I am starving.

Right now I’m too lazy to do anything about it.

Right now I am debating whether or not I should go for a run outside, but that point above is telling us all what the final decision is probably going to be.

Right now I am realizing that I slacked majorly last week with the #1800minutechallenge and I have lots of catching up to do. I joked with Todd yesterday and told him that during the last week of the challenge I’m probably going to have to stay home from work and do 8 hour hikes everyday.

Right now I am still thinking about that run because it’s approximately 15 degrees celsius outside and I’m fairly certain we won’t be seeing that temperature again for quite some time.

Right now I just ran my fingers through my hair and I’m not kidding when I say that straw feels softer than my hair right about now. I’ve always preferred using baby powder over dry shampoo for non-wash hair days and, after trying a new dry shampoo this morning and not my normal baby powder, my decision is once again reconfirmed. Yuck!

Right now I just remembered that my hair feeling like straw could have a little something to do with not having it cut since early November. Maybe. But I’m still blaming it on the dry shampoo.

Right now I am dreading a certain waxing appointment that I have scheduled tonight. #keepingitreal

Right now I just debated whether or not I should take that last line out. Nope, it’s staying in.

Right now that appointment is keeping me from doing what I normally do in the evenings; taking out my contact lenses, shoving my hair up in a bun, and changing into my pajamas.

Right now I am thinking that maybe I should tackle some of those tasks that are hanging over my head because I would like to get some sleep tonight and we have a pot luck at work tomorrow and I really don’t want to be slaving in the kitchen all night. Ah, who am I kidding? We all know I’m probably going to end up buying something that’s already pre-made instead.

And on that note, right now I’m off to the grocery store.

Happy Wednesday!  We’re halfway to the weekend!

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