Happy 29th birthday to someone:
Who uses up all of our hot water in the morning by taking the longest showers in history.
Who calls me every morning to make sure I’m out of bed so I’m not late for work.
Who would live in the woods if he could.
Whose favourite article of clothing is his plaid jacket and would wear it everyday and everywhere if it was socially acceptable (aka. if his fiance let him).

Who is always on my side. That is, unless we’re battling each other and then there’s no way he’s crossing over that line.
Who is the pickiest eater I know and who could live off of meat, and meat only, for the rest of his life.
Who also thinks the idea of a treat is cooking a roast at eleven o’clock in the night.

Who is the most forgetful person I know (and you know it’s pretty bad when it’s coming from MY mouth).
Who sometimes reads my blog posts over to see if they make any sense. Hear that? So blame him if they don’t!!
Who gets grossed out by the talk of cuticles or anything else nail related and the look of spaghetti or anything else in the pasta family.
Who loves my nephews as much as I do.

Who is never afraid to put me in my place when I need it. *Cough* but I never do *Cough*
Who pushes me to do things that I want to do but sometimes don’t think I can.
Who never, ever, ever judges me.
Who sometimes leaves me random notes that melt my heart.
Who will always crack a joke when we’re arguing.
Who brings me so much entertainment and always keeps me on my toes.
Whose motto in life is, “it’s all about the story”. 

Who has stood by me through the good and not so good times.
Who is my best friend.
My birthday boy.



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